In a forest are two trees, a birch tree and a peach tree. One day, in between the two trees, a new tree starts growing.
The birch tree asks the peach tree if he thinks it is a birch or a peach. Neither could answer.
Along flies a woodpecker and pecks like crazy at the new tree.
The birch tree asks the woodpecker if it is a son-of-a-berch or a son-of-a-peach, and the woodpecker replies:
"That's the best ash I've ever had my pecker in".
The birch tree asks the peach tree if he thinks it is a birch or a peach. Neither could answer.
Along flies a woodpecker and pecks like crazy at the new tree.
The birch tree asks the woodpecker if it is a son-of-a-berch or a son-of-a-peach, and the woodpecker replies:
"That's the best ash I've ever had my pecker in".