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Travel Warning: Spain is melting down, crowds are looting grocery stores for food


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
Staff member
Breakdown: Three Tons of Food Looted From Grocery Stores In Spain As Millions Struggle « InvestmentWatch

"Social safety nets across the continent are visibly under stress and breaking down, so much so that unemployed Spaniards have begun raiding supermarkets in order to put food on the table. As recently as last month the people of Cadiz and Sevilla, which have a reported unemployment rate of 32%, joined together to loot local grocery stores of three tons of food - some of which was distributed to local food banks.

Those same people who would have laughed in your face five years ago had you told them the economy was going to collapse and their country would be facing a massive debt default that would leave the majority of their population in poverty – those same people are rumaging through garbage cans in the hopes they can find some bread, rice and vegetables to put on their dinner tables. This is reality."

Do not think it can not happen here. It can and it probably will if we can't turn this economy around. If we continue down this path of soft-socialism or European style socialism then we will follow this path.
Blinders on. Most folks can not envision this happening here. I remember all too well listening to my gramps when he described the depression and sharing food with neighbors to survive. My own take is it will result in a civil war as those ill prepared attempt to steal from those who are. The government will be looted and politicians lynched as folks realize the folly of living and running a government on credit.
I remember all too well listening to my gramps when he described the depression and sharing food with neighbors to survive.

sadly, i can see another depression-type era soon. look @ where we're headed.
my Grandma spoke of the depression often. my Pap, often over meals. how they made it through, how they knew the land/its gifts & how that got 'em through. gained a rich knowledge of many things most ppl of my generation seem baffled @. all i know is that if another economic demise cannot be seen as reality to a person, better take a glimpse thru a few books on recent history.
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sadly, i can see another depression-type era soon. look @ where we're headed.


No matter who gets elected I think we will end up in some sort of a melt down. Honestly I believe if Obama gets re-elected we will have a deeper melt down that will take a decade (or two) to get out of . . . look at Japan, they have lost 2 decades!

I also believe that if Romney gets elected we will still have some collapse, but I think he will do more to grow us out of it faster.