Breakdown: Three Tons of Food Looted From Grocery Stores In Spain As Millions Struggle « InvestmentWatch
Do not think it can not happen here. It can and it probably will if we can't turn this economy around. If we continue down this path of soft-socialism or European style socialism then we will follow this path.
"Social safety nets across the continent are visibly under stress and breaking down, so much so that unemployed Spaniards have begun raiding supermarkets in order to put food on the table. As recently as last month the people of Cadiz and Sevilla, which have a reported unemployment rate of 32%, joined together to loot local grocery stores of three tons of food - some of which was distributed to local food banks.
Those same people who would have laughed in your face five years ago had you told them the economy was going to collapse and their country would be facing a massive debt default that would leave the majority of their population in poverty – those same people are rumaging through garbage cans in the hopes they can find some bread, rice and vegetables to put on their dinner tables. This is reality."
Do not think it can not happen here. It can and it probably will if we can't turn this economy around. If we continue down this path of soft-socialism or European style socialism then we will follow this path.