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Tractor Supply wouldn't sell me spray paint today ~ not old enough?


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
Staff member
I know its been discussed before but I'm getting sick of the age policy at TRACTOR SUPLLY CO when you buy something as simple as a can of spray paint :hammer:

I don't give my birthday.

I don't give my phone number.

I don't give my address.

But I will give my Zip Code.

Today I walked into T.S.C. and picked up a $2.99 can of John Deere "green" spray paint. Walked up to the register and waiting in line. Pulled out 4 $1.00 bills and the girl running the register asked for my birthday. I have to be 18 years old to buy it, she needs to key in my birthday to 'prove' that I am old enough to buy a can of paint.

Apparently ONLY kids under the age of 18 "huff" paint to get high?

In the past when I refuse to give my birthday the clerks do something and then sell me my paint, chemical or other "restricted" item.


My grey hair, grey beard and wrinkled skin are not enough to prove I'm over 18.

Clerk shrugged. Said she can't sell me paint without me first providing my birthday. Took those 4 singles with George Washington printed on them and put them back into my wallet and walked off, can of paint still sitting on the counter and the girl, with a dumbstruck look on her face standing there. Now I presume that the other clerks working there make up a date, or plug in their own birthday? Not this girl. She was stupid enough to allow a paying customer to walk out of the store.

Dumbass :hammer:
Try buying Claritin "D"

Last year I bought some in Wentzville MO for my weekend in the Ozarks. Had to show myID and prove I was a resident.
Got to the Ozarks without it so I went over to Wal-Mart to get some. After about a five minute wait, the clerk came bck with "sir, I cnnot sell you any because according to the database, you bought you allotment yesterday in Wentzville MO."

(BTW Monthly allotment is 30 pills, but they sell in boxes of 24 pills. Go figure.)

I got a little miffed and she began dialing her phone.

"What, are you calling the Cops?" I asked
"No sir, just my supervisor" she replied.

After a bit her supervisor had me fillout some papers swearing I havd lost my "allotment. She apologized explaining it was the law attempting "to shut down Meth producers."

"Rather than piss off law abiding customers, wouldn't it be better just to shoot those fuck'rs?"

Here's the kicker, last week I went in to get another box of 24 tabs. I findout thelaw has changed again. Now I need a Prscription from my doctor.

I agree with you Melensdad, it is getting ridiculous.
But you are allowed to purchase the morning after pill w/o providing your papers.

Or vote for President in some 'blue' states without an ID.

We live in a strange world.
Of course, 99% of the meth is smuggled in from our porous southern border. But hey, it's OK to make life inconvenient for us law abiding types. :rolleyes:

We're so screwed.
Along the same line of stupidity, when I bought my last NY hunting license the clerk wanted to see my drivers license. Showed her my hunting license from the prior year and she still wanted a drivers license. I pointed to the Amish guys behind me and said I would let them go first and if they showed theirs I would show mine. End of story and I walked out with my license. NY will accept a credit card but not a photo ID from another state when you buy a vehicle.:hammer:
just tell them

August 19, 1871 (Orville Wrights birthday)

and say "I look good for my age don't I"
just tell them

August 19, 1871 (Orville Wrights birthday)

and say "I look good for my age don't I"

Well I refuse to lie about it. It would be easier to give them false information and complete the sale. ACE Hardware sells John Deere Green paint too. Don't ask for my age either.

I sent an email to corporate telling them that ACE was cheaper and that TSC is going to end up losing me as a customer if they maintain idiotic policies.
N.Y. Senate Passes Bill To Restrict Sale of Medicine Used to Make Meth

  • Video
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  • Continuing Coverage: A Look at the Effects of Meth

Reported by: Ben Amey
Email: benamey@wetmtv.com


Print Story
Published: 6/13 5:34 pm

Updated: 6/13 7:26 pm

ALBANY, N.Y. (WETM-TV) - The New York State Senate has approved legislation to increase the ability of local police and district attorneys to track and prosecute violations of restrictions on over-the-counter medicines used to make meth.

Senator Tom O'Mara co-sponsored the legislation. O'Mara cited the rise in meth busts, including three in the past week in Chemung County, as a reason for the legislation.

The bill, if passed by the Assembly and signed by Governor Andrew Cuomo, would limit the sale of cold medicines containing pseudophedrine to behind the counter, limit the amount of pseudophedrine that a person can purchase in a month, and require people to present photo identification to purchase pseudophedrine.
Standard procidure if you live in the mid west. We track the stuff here as if it were gold...

Tractior supply is gone locally here as the city wouldn't help them out with a storm drainage situation they should have. I miss their prices as the competetor is too high. Don't ever remember them asking how old I was either, but that was three years ago they closed. Too dang bad....

Regards, Kirk