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Tracked landing gear XB-36

MNoutdoors RIP

Gone But Not Forgotten
GOLD Site Supporter
Tracked landing gear was tested on the XB-36
Which could make it the fastest tracked vehicle ever! At over 400MPH



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Bronze Member
GOLD Site Supporter
That is impressive. I wonder if they had brakes on both ends. I would think they had to.

300 H and H

Bronze Member
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One would think with the advent of large jet engines and additional thrust this might be a more workable idea today, more than years ago..

Of course you have to have a clear need for these to be cost effective. Up North above the Artic Circle I am sure that need exists. Perhaps we shall see this idea again in the future. With modern materials, met bet is we will.. Some one just has to get behind it with big $$$..

With sooo many vehicles having track systems adopted to them, I think the current epidemic of acceptance, the superiority of tracks vrs. tires has truly illustrated that point very well indeed..

There is an epidemic of tracked farm tractors across the landscape in my part of the planet. I feel like a pioneer of this, since I have used them for over 20 years now. Nothing works as well in my application in Agriculture...

It is probably time some one did so with large airplanes once again.

Regards, Kirk


GOLD Site Supporter
I saw a paper on an attempt to put tracks on a USAF C5. Part of the issue was trying to spin them up to speed prior to landing. I don't think it ever went beyond scale model testing. Don't recall where I saw this but it was back in the early '80's


Well-known member
GOLD Site Supporter
I think they'd need lots of ice prepared for takeoff and landing because the rolling resistance on take off would be much higher than tires. Don't know if the B-36 had variable pitch props for thrust reversal on landing.

MNoutdoors RIP

Gone But Not Forgotten
GOLD Site Supporter
I think they'd need lots of ice prepared for takeoff and landing because the rolling resistance on take off would be much higher than tires. Don't know if the B-36 had variable pitch props for thrust reversal on landing.

I think the tracks were for soft ground and not ice, I do believe, if you look at the Wikipedia article in one of the track photos you can see the path in the compacted ground from a soft landing.