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Today has been a hard day


Gone But Not Forgotten
I know I've mentioned here that we have 3 pets, 2 cats and a dog. The dog has had a rough couple of years with his issues but right now he is doing great. We have been dealing with our female cat for the last 6-8 months.

A little bit about her. She came to us almost 16 years ago at about 4 weeks old. Someone tossed that little black ball of fur out of a car window and sped off. She was only supposed to be there for the day until a home could be found for her. The person that asked us to care for Bitsy never did return for her. Bitsy was named that because of how little itsty bitsy she was. She became my girl. I was the only one able to pet her much or hold her. She'd bite anyone else if you'd pet her more than one stroke. Nasty little disposition, but you would have one too if you were tossed out like trash. She was always cleaning herself, I think taking pride in the fact she was a beautiful girl, all prim and proper.

At 15 I think she just slowly wore herself out. In October her eyesight started failing. She would walk right into walls or walk right over the dog like he wasn't even there. She had begun pacing the floors day and night, which never is a good sign. Been doing that since October as well. If she wandered over by her water bowl, she'd walk right in it. She would have a few good days and then a few bad ones where she wouldn't leave one room for 2 days. But she'd always perk up and be back to "normal" for a few days. She even quit cleaning and grooming herself which was not normal for her. If she turned a corner too quick, she just fell over. A lot of her balance was not there anymore.

We consulted with the Dr. and she said at her age just make sure she wasn't in pain and that she ate and took fluids. All was well in that regard. That pattern continued until 3 days ago. She was laying by the back door on the heat register vent which was her favorite spot but she wouldn't/couldn't move. We folded up a nice blankie and laid her on that to rest. She laid on the blanket for the last 3 days. In over 48 hours she never moved, no food or fluids. Her strong little heart didn't know the rest of her body was done. By now, she had no "quality" left in her life, no matter how much quantity we stretched it into. All we were doing now was being selfish for ourselves not wanting to let her go. Had she just gone naturally, I would feel better. She was just too stubborn I guess.

We called the vet this morning but couldn't bring her in for a few hours, they were already booked up. That was a long wait. But Dr. Long finally was able to see us and talked to us. Let us have whatever time we needed with her. I held my pretty little black cat while she took her last breath. I had prepared her final resting spot days ago while we had a break in the weather with the ground thawing. No more pacing, no more walking into walls, no more falling over and flopping around.

Goodbye Bitsy, Daddy's little girl.
Sorry for your loss. I know its hard to lose a pet. I've lost several in the past. After a while, they become a member of the family. At least she's not suffering anymore.
good call.
sorry to hear you had to go through it.
been there a few times myself, but never a pet I'd had around 15+ years.
Thanks guys,
I really don't think she actually suffered any pain. Just suffered not being able to get around. It was time.
Awe, Sorry for your loss Jerry. Remember the good times. I know ....it's easier said than done. Hang in there.
I know how you feel, I had to have my goat, Bertie put down last week. You have my sympathy, it is losing a member of your family.
Sure sorry to hear that ,but it sounds like she is in a better place now .

We are facing the same thing as we have 1 dog that is 13 and 1 dog that is 11 . I cuss that old dog every day , but God I am going to miss that old grouch when he is gone . He's always growling about something . Has about 2 teeth left in his head and is always under my feet .

Pets ... can't live with em ... and can't live without em .
What a sad and wonderful story. I'm happy she is at rest and didn't suffer.

I'm going through the same thing only with my Mom now... She now has weeks rather than months.
Great eulogy Jerry .......... She's looking down and thanking you. Be strong friend!
I held my pretty little black cat while she took her last breath. I had prepared her final resting spot days ago while we had a break in the weather with the ground thawing. No more pacing, no more walking into walls, no more falling over and flopping around.

Goodbye Bitsy, Daddy's little girl.
Jerry, I am so sorry to hear about this.
If there is one thing pets have ever taught me, it's that they always give us more than we could ever hope or try to give back in return.
They love us unconditionally, doesn't matter how we look, how kind or cruel we are.. they are little angels trusted in our care.
You loved a very special ball of fur for a long time and she knew it.
I've been there twice and still cry when I think of my sweeties.
Sorry to hear about the loss Jerry. The wife and I talk about how hard it would be to lose Ginger. They become such a part of the family. We're thinkin 'bout ya pal!
We have had a few put down also, never easy, but always better than them living with pain. Cats especially will not show pain, but they will do just as your cat did. You did her good with the years of care. I still miss my Gizmo, and when our 2 favs are gone it will also be sad
Sorry for you loss.

Rainbow Bridge
Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.
There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

Author unknown...
Thank you Jan. I have passed that along to a lot of friends in the past. It's very touching.

Now if I can just get my dog Buddy out of the emergency hospital. He's been there since 2 AM this morning. He had 3 seizures in less than an hour. He hasn't had any more but he needs to be watched for 24 hours seizure free.
Now if I can just get my dog Buddy out of the emergency hospital. He's been there since 2 AM this morning. He had 3 seizures in less than an hour. He hasn't had any more but he needs to be watched for 24 hours seizure free.
Best wishes for Buddy!:smile:
Thanks PG. They added a new med for him. I didn't want him on it but they did it before I knew it. His regular Doc said she'll monitor it when he comes home. He may be able to come home tomorrow.
Funny how I go upstairs and look for him.........Dammit he's not here.
Thanks PG. They added a new med for him. I didn't want him on it but they did it before I knew it. His regular Doc said she'll monitor it when he comes home. He may be able to come home tomorrow.
Funny how I go upstairs and look for him.........Dammit he's not here.
If it means he'll have more years with you, then why be concerned?
He may be a different doggie until his body adjusts to the changes with the meds for a while.
Wouldn't worry about it too much.
I'm sure he's missing Daddy and can't wait to get home. :)
I'm sorry I missed this thread the first time Jerry.

Sorry to hear about Bitsy. I can't remember the gray one's name, but it was always the one that seemed to like me.

Sorry to hear about Buddy. He had been doing so well. For those of you who don't know, Buddy is about the size of a small cow, but I'm convinced it is all fur and underneath is a Chiuaua. Gorgeous dog, and Jerry and Phil always have him super clean and spotless. He will lay at the back door and let Jerry know when the squirrels are outside. I think he wants Jerry to chase them. Hoping and praying for the best for Buddy.
Thanks guys, Buddy is finally home. He is reacting good to the new med, it just zones him out a bit. They are loading him on it until Friday and then we get to cut it back to about half. The vet tech staff was sorry to see him go home. He'd been a regular at the hospital for a long time the last few years. They keep all of the other patients penned up. Buddy, they let roam around most of the day. Of course they are worried about his weight. But he's been on and off steroids so much we can't keep the weight down. SO if he really is a Chihuahua, his fur must weigh 90+ lbs :yum:
Right now, I'd have a better chance of catching a squirrel than he would LOL

Yeah Jim, Bubba the gray one loves attention and strangers means someone new to make over. He was lost the last 2 days. His "sister" Bitsy was not here and then Buddy left. He was all alone and made it known that something was not right.

Sorry to hear about Buddy. We should compare vet bills. I think I'm helping vet get set up nicely for retirement this year. These last years aren't the cheapest years of having pets. The damn things have worked their way into our hearts and now its hard to not justify spending the money on them.

Best of luck with Buddy.
I know what you mean PB. Buddy has been fighting one thing or another since 2006. Seizures, then Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia, then a skin issue combined with almost total fur loss probably from the meds. If it's not one thing it's another. But he's still my best buddy. The AHA is under control quite well. His tests come back better than normal. When I do have to call the vet, I just say "This is Buddy's Dad." Both the regular vet and the hospital know who I am. I think there are a few new boats getting ready to hit the water as soon as it warms up :biggrin:
But I have to admit they take great care of him and love him as much as we do.
Thanks guys, Buddy is finally home. He is reacting good to the new med, it just zones him out a bit. They are loading him on it until Friday and then we get to cut it back to about half. The vet tech staff was sorry to see him go home. He'd been a regular at the hospital for a long time the last few years. They keep all of the other patients penned up. Buddy, they let roam around most of the day. Of course they are worried about his weight. But he's been on and off steroids so much we can't keep the weight down. SO if he really is a Chihuahua, his fur must weigh 90+ lbs :yum:
Right now, I'd have a better chance of catching a squirrel than he would LOL

Yeah Jim, Bubba the gray one loves attention and strangers means someone new to make over. He was lost the last 2 days. His "sister" Bitsy was not here and then Buddy left. He was all alone and made it known that something was not right.
Just an update on Buddy and Bubba. Bubba has been a little more "needy", as in attention and he knows how to get it :biggrin:
We finally got to reduce the potassium bromide(KBr) that he is on. I have to use gloves to give it to him but I can't find out why. There is no approved use for it in humans and limited allowable use for canines. It has caused a bit of ataxia in his hind quarters which is normal. We have to lift his fat ass up on the couch. He also has trouble getting up if he's been laying down. Now that we've reduced his dosage to ¼ of the loading dose, maybe we'll see an improvement in his movement and maybe he won't be so sedated in the next few days coming.
That's rough TC. My Spud has similar symptoms to Ataxia. He has cancer that is causing him to slowly waste away. He's down form a very lean 100lbs to under 80lbs. He has a neuropathy in rear legs that causes him to drag his feet and I think also contributed him to blowing out both his knees. He has been having a lot of trouble getting around lately and often needs help on slick surfaces. I'm getting a strong back again from carrying him up and down stairs.

The worst part is that mentally - he is still "with it". He wants to run and play but he just can't do it anymore. I keep telling myself to pull the plug when he isn't happy. He seems to be less happy these days from the pain and lack of mobility but it's not that bad yet. Its gotten to the point now where I'm just watching him day by day. He's worse when the weather is cold and it has been cold for the last few days.