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This one's for Lyndon!


Well-known member
Three nuns were travelling to a convent when they were in an accident and killed.

When they get to heaven, St. Peter is there waiting for them at the pearly gates with a message from God.

"It seems there's been a mix up. You guys weren't supposed to die for another 3 days. I'll tell you what, we're gonna let you go back to earth for 3 days and because we mixed up, you can be whoever you want to be!"

So the first nun says "Ok, I always wanted to feel what it would be like to be the Pope." POOF! She's gone back to earth as the Pope.

The second nun decides "Geez, I always wanted to feel utter power and control. I want to be the president of the USA." POOF! She's gone back to earth as the President of the USA.

The third nun stands there for a minute thinking then tells St. Peter, "You know what, I want to go back as Alice Cappipeline."

St.Peter starts flipping through his notes and pages of names and says, "I can't find any Alice Cappipeline in here. Are you sure that's a real person?"

The nun flips out the newspaper she was reading at the time of the accident and shows it to St. Peter.

He takes one quick look at it and says, "You dumb twit! That doesn't say Alice Cappipeline!

"The headline on that newspaper reads: ALASKA PIPELINE LAID BY 1000 MEN"