This little senior girl was found wandering a rural area.
She was found and picked up by Animal Control and taken to their facility.
After her stay at the facility and no one's attempt to locate her she was turned over to rescue.
All that was said was she had one tooth, was a happy girl and won everyone's heart who met her by giving a toothless kiss.
She was a tail wagging, toothless senior who greeted everyone as if they were long lost friends!
She was at least 13 possibly older, and even though she had a very odd look to her mouth and was thin she appeared to be happy and well adjusted.
She was being called "Granny" by the shelter so that's the name that stuck.
Granny was taken to the vet the following day and the bad news came.
Granny had a grade 5-6 heart murmur and the reason her mouth looked so odd was because her lower jaw was totally broken and dislodged.
It wasn't just the fact she had no teeth, it had been broken and never treated.
It's hard to understand and certainly hard to speculate what could have happened, but Granny was found in such a rural area it has to be assumed she was taken out there by someone who just chose to leave her in a wooded area rather than take care of her or humanely euthanize her if they didn't want her any longer.
It was obvious by her feet that she'd been wandering around for a while
Her broken jaw and inability to chew anything would make it difficult to eat, even if she had been able to find food, so we are greatful someone reported seeing her and called Animal control.
Granny had to undergo removal of the one tooth she had and have her jaw fixed so she could eat.
She has done remarkably well for her health problems and has a personality of a young dog.
She is so happy when visitors come over and runs to be picked up so she can give you a granny kiss.
That kiss is the softest kiss ever because you barely feel that little tongue since it hasn't anything to press back on.
It's like a butterfly kiss!
Granny is doing very well, but is on heart medication permanently.
Granny thanks you for reading her story and sends butterfly kisses to you!
If she could talk, there would be no doubt she'd say "thank you" to rescue and for Animal Control finding her in the woods.
She's one terrific little girl and to think of her out there wandering around in a wooded area is tragically sad, but thank goodness someone saw her and reported her for AC to find her. There are happy endings and this is one of them.
She'll be in permanent foster care though and will always have a blanket to snuggle under.

She was found and picked up by Animal Control and taken to their facility.
After her stay at the facility and no one's attempt to locate her she was turned over to rescue.
All that was said was she had one tooth, was a happy girl and won everyone's heart who met her by giving a toothless kiss.
She was a tail wagging, toothless senior who greeted everyone as if they were long lost friends!
She was at least 13 possibly older, and even though she had a very odd look to her mouth and was thin she appeared to be happy and well adjusted.

She was being called "Granny" by the shelter so that's the name that stuck.
Granny was taken to the vet the following day and the bad news came.
Granny had a grade 5-6 heart murmur and the reason her mouth looked so odd was because her lower jaw was totally broken and dislodged.
It wasn't just the fact she had no teeth, it had been broken and never treated.
It's hard to understand and certainly hard to speculate what could have happened, but Granny was found in such a rural area it has to be assumed she was taken out there by someone who just chose to leave her in a wooded area rather than take care of her or humanely euthanize her if they didn't want her any longer.
It was obvious by her feet that she'd been wandering around for a while

Her broken jaw and inability to chew anything would make it difficult to eat, even if she had been able to find food, so we are greatful someone reported seeing her and called Animal control.
Granny had to undergo removal of the one tooth she had and have her jaw fixed so she could eat.
She has done remarkably well for her health problems and has a personality of a young dog.
She is so happy when visitors come over and runs to be picked up so she can give you a granny kiss.
That kiss is the softest kiss ever because you barely feel that little tongue since it hasn't anything to press back on.
It's like a butterfly kiss!

Granny is doing very well, but is on heart medication permanently.
Granny thanks you for reading her story and sends butterfly kisses to you!
If she could talk, there would be no doubt she'd say "thank you" to rescue and for Animal Control finding her in the woods.
She's one terrific little girl and to think of her out there wandering around in a wooded area is tragically sad, but thank goodness someone saw her and reported her for AC to find her. There are happy endings and this is one of them.
She'll be in permanent foster care though and will always have a blanket to snuggle under.