It is a fact that the few are now supporting the many and thinking like this is a reason why. This is the type of thinking that is going to destroy us as a country...this is what Obama wants people to think...
[ame=""]Parasitesaredevouringthehostculture.wmv - YouTube[/ame]
For those who've read "Atlas Shrugged" you know what it means when I say that I have "gone Galt" with my income. I'm tired of paying for people like this woman who is simply a 'taker' who relies on 'producers' and thinks she is entitled to it as her birthright. If my income is lower, my tax burden is also lower. I don't need the income so I'm not going to feed the system that promotes this crap.
[ame=""]Parasitesaredevouringthehostculture.wmv - YouTube[/ame]
For those who've read "Atlas Shrugged" you know what it means when I say that I have "gone Galt" with my income. I'm tired of paying for people like this woman who is simply a 'taker' who relies on 'producers' and thinks she is entitled to it as her birthright. If my income is lower, my tax burden is also lower. I don't need the income so I'm not going to feed the system that promotes this crap.