Look at how many individuals are following the governments lead now. They over spend, are drowning in debt, and barely surviving despite the low interest rates. Once internet rates go up, their bubble will burst, and we will see mass bankruptcies.
People are overpaying for homes, cars, RVs, and almost everything else. Does anyone remember 2008-2011?
Did they learn nothing?
I'm thankful to be debt free, and pay off my credit cards monthly.
That new truck, boat, tesla, home, pair of quads, and $40k on credit cards, some people have, while their income between them is only $150k annually, they are going to be in for a big surprise soon. If interest rates go up to a mere 8%, which is still relatively low, they are screwed. Correct me if I'm wrong, but weren't some people in the 1970s paying 20% on their mortgage?!
Imagine if that were to happen again now.
They seem to think that their government doesn't care about debt, so why should they.
Seems that nobody learned a damn thing watching Greece implode not too long ago.