A camp is upgrading to a Thiokol 3700 and that means they will be selling their 2100B. I don't have pics yet. I will need to drive about 100 miles and snowmobile into where it is located to get the pics. It has a diesel engine, OC-12 Rear end with drop axels (rebuilt with only maybe 10 hours on it), and spare drop box gears with a different gear ratio, if I remember there are spare axels and a spare main OC-12 housing, automatic transmission that was rebuilt a few years ago and only has a few hours on it. The snowcat has been used on and off over the last 20 years to clear snow once a year off of an access road to a camp. I have driven it several times and it runs fine. It has a six-way blade on the front (up/down, tilt left/right, and whatever you call changing the cutting edge angle. It does not angle cut like a road grader. I have no idea yet as to the asking price. It is located in the Sierra Nevada Mountains of central California. Any ideas as to a fair price to suggest to them?