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Thiocol Imp


New member
I work for a utility in North Dakota. We need some parts for our Imp and I was wondering where you guys get your parts for them. I need a carb kit for it and the front wheels and tires. The carb that is on it has a German name. Is there a domestic cross for this?
Any help you can get me is greatly appreciated. We have had over 70 inches of snow up here this winter and the temps are hovering around 0 with common dips to way below that. When we have outages in the rural areas, we need to get men and materials to remote lines to get people back on. This vehicle is OLD. I think 1967 model. It hasn't been used a lot in the last 20 years, but, when we need it, we need it now.
Thanks again,
Tom Jorgenson
Williston, ND
This Imp is a Model 1404. Serial 192. I can't find the year of manufacture, although the manual has a recieved stamp from our office of 1967. I would be glad to share a copy of the manual with anyone willing to help.

Thanks again,
The carb on the Imp is an engine coolant heated Solex as I recall. I had to use parts from a NAPA kit and cut a gasket that was not in the kit. Take the solex carb number to your NAPA parts house and see what they now show. I have not done an Imp carb for years. If you are in a hurry, I suggest you call Peterson Equipment for spare parts. They are a little pricey but stock most of the older Thiokol parts. I believe there is now a solid urethane tire for the front idler available that replaces the OEM that was used.

Here is a link to Peterson in Logan UT: http://www.petersonequipment.com/
best thing i have found for the carb is a trash can replace it with a weber 34ich carb
i have had problems with front tires as well they make a poly replacement don't really like them because they make a lot of noise i been working with a wheel company for replacment just started last week should know in a week or so
best thing i have found for the carb is a trash can replace it with a weber 34ich carb


When you upgraded your 1404 imp to a Weber 34ich carb did you get more power out of the V4 Ford? If Im on a smooth hard trail with any uphill slope I cannot use my highest 2 forward gears. Not enough power, starts to bog out. Do you think it Would help much to change the carburetor?
the carb does help with power and is very tunable with lots of jets for tuning but every thing has to be right for the imp to pull high gear with any grade,track tension,brake band adjustment even the pre load on front idler wheels makes a differance. first thing is the tune up on motor ck vacuum advance so have 46-48 degrees total advance ck valve adjustment also need to run 90 octane fuel with a lead aditive
Thanks for the info guys! Sorry for the mis-spell. I knew that was wrong, just in a hurry to get this thing repaired and back on the line.