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The Winter that won't end . . .


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
Staff member
Anyone else notice that over the past decade winter has started late and then ended later? Seems to be that way here.

Got a couple more inches of heavy, wet snow last night. Apparently the roads are a mess, the school district has delayed school for 2 hours so the salt trucks can try to catch up with the ice that is under the snow. We had fairly warm temps, so when the thermometer dropped and the snow started falling it fell on warm ground and melted, eventually turning to slush and then to ice. Now the traffic reports are saying the side roads are hazards, especially at the rural intersections. Our school district is 95% rural and the largest geographic district in the state so the busses travers rural roads only to bring the kids back to the one town in the district. My wife is enjoying an extra hour + of sleep as she doesn't have to go in to teach until the kids have to report for class.


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It's Spring Bob!!!!!!


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We got about 2 inches and it just stopped for a little while. Looking down into Pa. says more will be here shortly.
It's been snowing here for hours. Started heavy early and now it's steady fines.
After having about a dozen winters in a row where I made money clearing snow I bought a new snow blade before last winter. It hasn't snowed since here. I can't recall two winters in a row with zero snow. Figures!
No snow but it was cold here last night - 28 degrees. It's supposed to be about the same tomorrow morning.

All the people who thought that they would get a jump on spring by planting their tomatoes and stuff out early are in for a shock. Me, I'll put mine in by the end of the week when it's supposed to warm back up. I've been caught by a late frost before so now I'd rather lose a couple of weeks of growing time and not have to replant or be covering stuff up.
up here it's still hitting -20 I was hoping for a warm dry summer but I think we are going to be looking at another cold one.
13.5" yesterday. Sticky and wet, put many trees and bushes to the ground. I lost an old treasured Redbud and a big pine.

The bird feeders did land office business al day yesterday and the are back today.
Got about 6 inches yesterday, and it appears to be starting again today.

I'm north of you, between Leesburg and Winchester.

We had 6 inches at 6am this morning. We've added another 2 inches and it's tapering off, just a few small flakes falling.

Some friends of mine who study this for fun and profit believe there are indicators that we have a seasonal shift occurring. Thus it could actually get to the point where we are harvesting in December and not even planting by April. Of course, this all might just be a blip too.
I thought it was common knowledge that the earth is not on a true axes and wobbles slightly. The polls are in a constant shift.

Good read here.

Dramatic discoveries in the Sahara Desert have revealed that approximately every 20,000 years, wobbles in the Earths axis as it rotates around the Sun cause monsoon rains in the South to reach further north to the northern tip of Africa. By studying layers of deposited sand in the ocean, they discovered that a permanent change occurred around 3 million years ago resulting in the formation of the Sahara Desert possibly due to continental land drift as much of North Africa was under the ocean and they have found the remains of whales between 3 million and 40 million years ago as great inland oceans became cut off over time that eventually were replaced by freshwater seas.

They have also traced ancient river patterns to find that at various times there were numerous rivers as large and larger than the Nile River and study of ancient lake beds fed by these rivers have found these lakes have dried up more than once.

Human habitation has also aided in recording these events as migratory humans followed the rivers and lake wet and dry periods. Animal migrations also aid in this and all the evidence points to a pattern of around 20,000 years.

Another factor is there are vast quantities of water which still exists under the Sahara and fish in these waters are the same as their southern counterparts... only much smaller because their ecosystem is smaller. In fact, there are huge underwater seas under the Sahara that exist three quarters of a mile down or further. There may even be as much fresh water under the Sahara in one aquifer as in all of North America above land including the Great Lakes... and that's only one aquifer as there are many under the Sahara.

But the greatest discovery is that each shift in climate occurred rapidly within a period of no more than 200 years. In other words, they would experience around 20,000 years of green lush life into a barren desert.

While this doesn't offer proof that Global Warming isn't man made, when the process of how the Sahara Desert was created have been presented without stating the Earth rotating on it's axis or that they were talking about the Sahara, Global Warming alarmists immediately presume you are talking about Man Made Global Warming... when they are then told they are wrong and they start denying it, they are presented with the entire story and they cannot deny the evidence points not to Man Made Global Warming but to a natural cycle man contributes nothing to.

There are many reasons why Global Warming can take place including Continental Shift and wobbles in the Earth Axis which shift entire regions into new climate zones which is also true in reverse as when the Earth wobbles shifting the Sahara into a wetter climate saturated by monsoon rains, the northern continents are shifted into colder climates bringing about an Ice Age.

Again, there can be many causes for Global Warming but Global Warming is a term created to explain the natural process of the planet warming after an Ice Age. The scientists using this term in reference to the man made Global Warming theory do so purposely to confuse the matter taking advantage of the fact that most people have such poor education about science and world climatic history that by calling their theory "Global Warming", it confuses the proven scientific fact of a natural process with an unproven theory where they claim that man made pollution is causing Global Warming.

Toss in other proven scientific facts like the Sun entering warmer or cooler phases, the Earth rotating slightly further or closer to the Sun, the planet becoming more or less active where volcanic activity is concerned... and you actually have several natural and scientifically proven causes for Global Warming.

In fact, the proof about man made pollution is that it has the same effect as several massive volcanic eruptions and that is it causes Global Cooling not Global Warming. This is also backed by scientific findings which Global Warming alarmists misrepresent as we recently went through a cooler period called the Little Ice Age that ended around 1850 after 300 to 700 years of Global Cooling science has proven came about after a period where more volcanic eruptions had taken place... note that Global Warming alarmists never talk about the Little Ice Age even though their own evidence reveals Global Warming didn't begin within the past few decades as they state, it had already begun before science began recording global temperatures.

In fact, between 1940 and 1975 when man made pollution was at it's worst, we find temperatures cooled instead of warming up. What brought that period of more moderate temperatures to an end was the success of environmentalists by the late 60's through the early 70's to reduce pollution. As environmentalists became more successful, temperatures began warming increasingly so that it is more true to call the the theory of "Environmentalist Induced Global Warming".

In fact, during the late 60's, to explain why temperatures became more moderate after 1940 causing climate change from the ever increasing temperatures we had experienced prior to 1940, the theory of Global Cooling was introduced where science explained that man made pollution was causing Global Cooling... it was even accepted to a point it was added to school science books.

Now, ironically, we are seeing more and more scientists beginning to speak about Global Cooling in relation to man made pollution and they are also addressing the other factors increasingly as causes for Global Warming / Global Cooling as a more natural process which man made pollution only serves to prove the process... not cause it. In order for man made pollution to make a true impact, we would have to create more pollution which would then have an adverse affect on Global Warming... ending it not creating it.

The Global Warming alarmists have it wrong and in fact have things backwards, man made pollution causes Global Cooling and reducing pollution causes Global Warming to kick back in as temperatures start rising again.

For more on the PROVEN science behind the Sahara Desert shifting between dry and wet periods every 20,000 years due to the Earth wobbling on it's axis, watch the tv series "How The Earth Was Made" on the History Channel... the episode is called Sahara and aired originally in 2009 revealing that Global Warming scientists have known these facts for over 2 years at least.

One last thought... in their zeal to stop pollution, Global Warming scientists are knowingly causing Global Warming to happen as all the known facts prove pollution does not cause Global Warming, it causes Global Cooling. In the past, scientists to gain the money they needed for their research have sacrificed the very integrity of the scientific method and their credibility for the sake of funding. The long term damage from this is twenty to eighty years rebuilding where the general population and political leaders place their faith in science again. The irony in this case is that the 60's scientists who proposed the theory of Global Cooling may now be proven correct after doubters claimed that the fact Global Warming kicked off again by 1975... but the doubter didn't factor in that environmentalists had also won many crucial battles to reduce pollution which may be the cause for temperatures beginning to increase at that time as Global Warming kicked in again due to environmentalist activity rather than pollution.

If you believe in Global Warming, ask yourself the one question that people like Al Gore do not want you to ask... What If I Am Wrong!? Because if you are wrong, that means Global Warming is just a natural process and if it is so devastating to the planet, then maybe we need to learn to control pollution as a way to control Global Warming since all the real evidence proves pollution causes Global Cooling.
Still snowing but not laying. Everything we got melted and we are to stay in upper 20's overnight.
Temp dropped to 28 and it is laying but the snow is real fine. We are forecast to maybe have some sleet and light snow overnight. Have a doc run in the morning to the cancer center so I hope it ain't too crappy. Folks just won't slow down on all them bridges around Corning and crash a lot in that 5 mile stretch.
Many winters, downhill skiing goes on until mid-April.
Last year and one other out of the last ten, snow was out of the woods at the end of March. So it seems like a normal to mild winter to me.
And I'm hoping it stays cool thru April.