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The trouble with my uncle, Rick Santorum


Wait for it.
GOLD Site Supporter
Now heres a twist. :biggrin:

If you want another big-government politician who supports the status quo to run our country, you should vote for my uncle, Rick Santorum. America is based on a strong belief in individual liberty. My uncle’s interventionist policies, both domestic and foreign, stem from his irrational fear of freedom not working.
It is not the government’s [COLOR=green !important][COLOR=green !important]job[/COLOR][/COLOR] to dictate to individuals how they must live. The Constitution was designed to protect individual liberty. My Uncle Rick cannot fathom a society in which people cooperate and work with each other freely. When Republicans were spending so much money under President Bush, my uncle was right there along with them as a senator. The reason we have so much debt is not only because of Democrats, but also because of big-[COLOR=green !important][COLOR=green !important]spending [COLOR=green !important]Republicans[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] like my Uncle Rick.
It is because of this inability of status quo politicians to recognize the importance of our individual liberties that I have been drawn to Ron Paul. Unlike my uncle, he does not believe that the American people are incapable of forming decisions. He believes that an individual is more powerful than any group (a notion our founding fathers also believed in).
Another important reason I support Ron Paul is his position on foreign policy. He is the only candidate willing to bring our troops home, not only from the Middle East, but from around the world.
Ron Paul seems to be the only candidate trying to win the election for a reason other than simply winning the election.
This year, I’ll vote for an honest change in our government. I’ll vote for real hope. I’ll vote for a real leader. This year, I will vote for Ron Paul.
John Garver is a 19-year-old student at the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown. John is a strong supporter of Ron Paul despite his love for family member Rick Santorum.


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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But honestly you have to give the kid credit for looking at the issues that matter to him, and then supporting the candidate that fits those issues.

If you really think about it, most voters don't have the guts to do that and tend to vote for stupid reasons. Blacks voted for Obama because he was black. My dad voted for Republicans even if they were RINOs, just because they were on the GOP ticket. Union members blindly vote for Democrats who pass legislation that kills their jobs and moves companies overseas. This kid supports Dr Paul because he believes in what Dr Paul actually stands for, that shows he has some strength of conviction given that his uncle is running for President.


New member
GOLD Site Supporter
But honestly you have to give the kid credit for looking at the issues that matter to him, and then supporting the candidate that fits those issues.

If you really think about it, most voters don't have the guts to do that and tend to vote for stupid reasons. Blacks voted for Obama because he was black. My dad voted for Republicans even if they were RINOs, just because they were on the GOP ticket. Union members blindly vote for Democrats who pass legislation that kills their jobs and moves companies overseas. This kid supports Dr Paul because he believes in what Dr Paul actually stands for, that shows he has some strength of conviction given that his uncle is running for President.

That isn't really true as I voted for Reagan and was a union member at the time. But I will give the kid credit for his apparent convictions on why he likes Paul. I had an uncle once run for the Presidency also, Pat Robertson and I couldn't vote for him either. Kind of the crazy uncle around my mother's parents place from time to time.:whistling:


Wait for it.
GOLD Site Supporter
But honestly you have to give the kid credit for looking at the issues that matter to him, and then supporting the candidate that fits those issues.

If you really think about it, most voters don't have the guts to do that and tend to vote for stupid reasons. Blacks voted for Obama because he was black. My dad voted for Republicans even if they were RINOs, just because they were on the GOP ticket. Union members blindly vote for Democrats who pass legislation that kills their jobs and moves companies overseas. This kid supports Dr Paul because he believes in what Dr Paul actually stands for, that shows he has some strength of conviction given that his uncle is running for President.
Exactly, almost gives me new faith in students. :smile:


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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That isn't really true as I voted for Reagan and was a union member at the time...
Joe, one exception does not break the rule. In fact, the vast majority of union members vote blindly for Democrats. Its true, its been true, and probably will remain true.

One of the things that comes up often in discussions are exceptions. Exceptions are not normal and unusual and should be set aside because they exceptions.


New member
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Actually Mel most of my union voted for Reagan on his first term, though to be honest I left the union about a month after the election and wound up working as a contractor for some of his administration over the next 4 years. I believe Reagan carried much of the Union vote for his first term also as most everyone was disgusted with Carter who I didn't vote for either.


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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GOLD Site Supporter
Actually Mel most of my union voted for Reagan on his first term, though to be honest I left the union about a month after the election and wound up working as a contractor for some of his administration over the next 4 years. I believe Reagan carried much of the Union vote for his first term also as most everyone was disgusted with Carter who I didn't vote for either.
Actually joe, MOST UNION MEMBERS VOTE FOR DEMOCRATS. I understand your exception. I understand there have been exceptions. Those are, by their very nature, unusual and not normal. They are exceptions.


New member
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If you say so Mel though I tend to doubt it though. I have found the union leaders tend to push for a Democrat while the rank and file are as diverse as the rest of the population. Union members tend to vote their beliefs also not follow a union line at least the few hundred I meet through the 20 years I was a member. I will grant you though democrats care more about workers and their rights than republican do but that isn't anything new just a fact of life.


Gone But Not Forgotten
Joe, one exception does not break the rule. In fact, the vast majority of union members vote blindly for Democrats. Its true, its been true, and probably will remain true.

Can't say much about the union voting for Reagan but around here in the 2008 election the unions took money out of every members pay check, and still do today but also told the members who they should be voting for.


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Can't say much about the union voting for Reagan but around here in the 2008 election the unions took money out of every members pay check, and still do today but also told the members who they should be voting for.

Well the only money I paid was monthly union dues and not out of a pay check. It was our responsibility to pay it as a union member on time. As for PAC money that was strictly voluntary. They suggest who we should vote for and never told us as they sure wasn't coming into a voting both with us.


Gone But Not Forgotten
Well the only money they took was union dues and not out of a pay check. It was our responsibility to pay it as a union member. As for PAC money that was strictly voluntary. As for telling they would suggest but sure had no way of knowing who one would vote for.

They actually have a line item now called Campaign funds from what I am told. Not a large fee but there.

As for telling who to vote for, yes they did and sitting around the coffee table they were pretty aggressive in telling them who to vote for. Did they, no one knows I guess.


New member
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They actually have a line item now called Campaign funds from what I am told. Not a large fee but there.

As for telling who to vote for, yes they did and sitting around the coffee table they were pretty aggressive in telling them who to vote for. Did they, no one knows I guess.

In my day it didn't happen that way and as I have said I left the union in late 80 offically.


The Old Salt
SUPER Site Supporter
Well the only money I paid was monthly union dues and not out of a pay check. It was our responsibility to pay it as a union member on time. As for PAC money that was strictly voluntary. They suggest who we should vote for and never told us as they sure wasn't coming into a voting both with us.

Same situation for me. They suggested we vote for the Democratic candidates every election until 2010. Then they told us we should vote for the Republican candidate for governor. Finally, I followed their advice. :biggrin:


Proudly Deplorable
GOLD Site Supporter
While you two beat this off topic Union/Democrat horse to death, it looks like Santorum is going to take the prize tonite. Good for him.

As for his nephew's comments, Ron Paul appeals to the youngsters in college so no real surprise. And frankly no real matter either. Ron Paul isn't going much farther than perhaps SC. His appeal in the swing states is minimal. Everytime I hear him speak, I kinda expect his image to become all sparkly and then he transports to the mother ship.

I always liked Senator Santorum but never felt he had the ability to get a fire going. I appear to be wrong there,,,,,,and must now re-evaluate that presumption.


legendary ⚓
GOLD Site Supporter
I was a little surprised when I saw the breaking news on the Iowa Caucus tonight, Franc.
Yes, it does look like Santorum is the golden boy and will probably stay in that position, that is.. until the media start digging for dirt on him in order to attempt to destroy his credibility and the fact that he's <<gasp!!>> a Catholic (oh horrors!)

As for Ron Paul- he's taken my attention since Cain was dumped and shot himself in the foot.


Proudly Deplorable
GOLD Site Supporter
I was a little surprised when I saw the breaking news on the Iowa Caucus tonight, Frank.
Yes, it does look like Santorum is the golden boy and will probably stay in that position, that is.. until the media start digging for dirt on him in order to attempt to destroy his credibility and the fact that he's <<gasp!!>> a Catholic (oh horrors!)

As for Ron Paul- he's taken my attention since Cain was dumped and shot himself in the foot.

Santorum stands, quite leteraly, in Huckabees's shoes tonite. I do hope he runs better with them than did the Governor from AR.
On another curious note, Newt stands about where McCain did in 2008 Iowa caucuses.

Oh dear mercy:sad: Please, not again.


legendary ⚓
GOLD Site Supporter
It's fair to say this is going to become quite interesting?
By the way, I have never understood how Iowa actually represents the 'status quo' or how it even matters in the end.
Does it?

300 H and H

Bronze Member
GOLD Site Supporter
Iowa matters some times, but not others.

The "status quo" is simply what is generall accepted and expected....Those who oppose it want to change things. Ron Paul would, I believe. The rest of them I doubt it. More of the same old same old, or the "status quo".

Santorum will have a hard time unless those who won't support Romney cause of his religion open their collective wallets. My bet is they won't if they take the time to review his positions.....

Regards, Kirk

Danang Sailor

nullius in verba
GOLD Site Supporter
That isn't really true as I voted for Reagan and was a union member at the time. But I will give the kid credit for his apparent convictions on why he likes Paul. I had an uncle once run for the Presidency also, Pat Robertson and I couldn't vote for him either. Kind of the crazy uncle around my mother's parents place from time to time.:whistling:

Gotta give ya credit for having the cojones to admit even knowing him! I guess every family has someone they'd
rather not acknowledge (in my family, that tends to be me)!


New member
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Gotta give ya credit for having the cojones to admit even knowing him! I guess every family has someone they'd
rather not acknowledge (in my family, that tends to be me)!

Think about it a bit, my grandfather his brother was a Pentecostal minister as was 4 of his 7 sons all in the in the mold of Jimmy Swaggart and people wonder why I'm an atheist .. :yum: