This is a long video. It lays out some logical assertions but I don't think all of them are proven. Still, it makes a lot of sense.
Crying Wolf Movie (HD) on Vimeo
There is some crazy stuff in there about the lies that were told for the reintroduction of wolves to a place they never lived to begin with. The erosion of state rights and individual property rights because of a animal on the endangered species list that numbers in the 60,000-70,000. Pay attention hunters and land owners.
Crying Wolf Movie (HD) on Vimeo
There is some crazy stuff in there about the lies that were told for the reintroduction of wolves to a place they never lived to begin with. The erosion of state rights and individual property rights because of a animal on the endangered species list that numbers in the 60,000-70,000. Pay attention hunters and land owners.