• Please be sure to read the rules and adhere to them. Some banned members have complained that they are not spammers. But they spammed us. Some even tried to redirect our members to other forums. Duh. Be smart. Read the rules and adhere to them and we will all get along just fine. Cheers. :beer: Link to the rules: https://www.forumsforums.com/threads/forum-rules-info.2974/

The problem with a "Vanilla" TBN culture


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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GOLD Site Supporter
OK well I broke my own ethics and actually went over to TBN to look around (I blame DaveNay for baiting me eariler today).

There is a thread with a guy asking about 3 tractors.
  • JD 790
  • Kubota L2800
  • Kioti DK35
By the way, he only has 4 acres.

Now with the new plain vanilla culture over there, nobody is going to have the guts to say the following.
  • The L2800 gear is a crummy tractor by modern tractor standards.
  • The DK35 is the best of that group in terms of any measurement
  • All 3 are too large for what he wants to do long term
  • None are great for the eventual future task of mowing a lawn.
  • All are total overkill for his long term uses, but any would do the job for his initial tasks.
  • And nobody is going to be brave enough to tell this guy that a light to medium wieght 24 to 26hp tractor (JD 4115, NH TC26, Kubota B7610, etc) would be a good choice for now and a much better choice for long term.
I suspect that if anyone has the guts to point out this stuff that the mods will delete it because it might lead to a confrontation and brand war if people are unreasonable and irrational, despite the fact that they are basic truths (granted they are really just my opinions, but they are really pretty hard to rationally dispute). The problem with all of this is that real information, good information, is going to be stifled and people will not get the advice they should get and will end up with the wrong equipment.


Bottoms Up
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GOLD Site Supporter
Yep, your right Bob. And the new user / general public that are just getting to know TBN won't have the same advantage many of us had when we first found that forum. Sad state, but they've done it to themselves, and the user asking the question will not realize it until after he purchases the wrong tractor. To bad.


Klaatu barada nikto
SUPER Site Supporter
Well Bob, I am pretty much guilty of plagarism this morning!

I posted the essence of your opinion as a response to MSmiths question.


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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DaveNay said:
Well Bob, I am pretty much guilty of plagarism this morning!

I posted the essence of your opinion as a response to MSmiths question.

Oh great, now I will be double dog dare you secret super duper banned from TBN . . . they will acuse me of posting under yet another alias after acusing me of doing that once already. :eek:

Big Dog

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I've read the thread and it's a very cautious state. They're behaving but unable to give real clout as Bob stated!


Klaatu barada nikto
SUPER Site Supporter
Naaawwww...I've been around long enough that they won't get us confused.

However, they might read this thread here of FF and know where I got my expert opinion from :D


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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Junkman said:
There can only be one Bob Skurka..... no clones need apply...

Uh, excuse me, that name is no longer valid. It is just plain old B_Skurka now :tiphat:

And while I understand your message, it is a sad thing. When I joined TBN and for quite a long time after, there were plenty of people willing to point out in a rather objective manner, what should and should not be considered, what was and was not useful, and that is, in large part, what seems to be missing.

Seems like everyone is so gun-shy that they won't poke their head out for fear of being shot.


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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Well I went back and checked the thread. My recommendations for the tractor size being too big are simply wrong. That's happened before and likely will again.

However, the fact of the matter remains, the thread is basically gutless with opinions lacking about suitability, machine quality, capability, or even if the 3 machines are remotely close to "apples to apples" in any way other than price. (27hp, verses 30hp, versus 35hp . . . hmmm seem like a problem in the comparisons right off the bat!)

It is simply pathetic what happened over there.

There is no real comparision between the tractors but even RedRocker has his hands in his pockets with his 'choose the dealer' comment.

Pathetic, flavorless, sad and a shame to see it degenerate so badly.


Active member
I think the term "vanilla" might be being a bit generous. More like "flavorless". What you are trying to say, I believe, is that no one has the balls (chotees, huevos, courage) to say what they believe as they are under the threat of being booted. Unfortunately, I am a relative newbie to the tractor world and don't have the expertise to answer most of the questions. I would rather make humorous comments, which seems to be a real no-no over there these days. That is why I love this place so much! :soapbox: :yum:


New member
B_Skurka said:
There is no real comparision between the tractors but even RedRocker has his hands in his pockets with his 'choose the dealer' comment.

my personal favorite is:

They are all good tractors, whatever you choose you will be happy.

Thanks Mom... thanks for believing in me and telling me that it will be ok no matter what bad decisions I make.


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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OregonAlex said:
my personal favorite is:

They are all good tractors, whatever you choose you will be happy.

Thanks Mom... thanks for believing in me and telling me that it will be ok no matter what bad decisions I make.

Yup, that is about as good as when the ladies auxilary takes over the sports program at the school and tells the kids . . . it doesn't matter if you win, what matters is that everyone gets to play and that you have fun, just try and make sure you share the ball with your teammates

Sure, that's great, teach your kid to be medocre and alter their mindset in such a way that when they get a real job in the real world they will be totally unprepared for life.

Well not all tractors are equal.

Some are better, some are worse, and some are totally unsuited for specific jobs.

So who is going to tell the fellas who are posting on TBN that they need to ask their wives to give them back their balls because their balls have been carried around in their wive's purses for so long that now there really is no good information on TBN if you need real answers to real questions?!?


New member
hey GAS CAN BOB (aka HAWAIAN SHIRT JERK) think i might have respsoned to that thread you are talking about, i do belive i told him he was going to big but i may not be thinking of the trhead you are, now i am confused in two forums. i still don't know what the golly be jeasus i am doning on this site, i am of course totally confused as normal


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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frank_f15 said:
hey GAS CAN BOB (aka HAWAIAN SHIRT JERK) think i might have respsoned to that thread you are talking about, i do belive i told him he was going to big but i may not be thinking of the trhead you are, now i am confused in two forums. i still don't know what the golly be jeasus i am doning on this site, i am of course totally confused as normal

Frank you may be confused but that never stopped you from posting!!!

Actually you did post to the thread I was talking about and you made sense, so I don't think you are really as confused as you think.


Bottoms Up
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Hey Frank F15, glad you came over! :) We're trying to make this a fun place to come to, stay a spell and have a little fun. You can speak freely and not wonder if your post will still be there in the morning. :D
Hope you come back often,
Doc (aka moon of ohio)


Active member
frank_f15 said:
hey GAS CAN BOB (aka HAWAIAN SHIRT JERK) think i might have respsoned to that thread you are talking about, i do belive i told him he was going to big but i may not be thinking of the trhead you are, now i am confused in two forums. i still don't know what the golly be jeasus i am doning on this site, i am of course totally confused as normal

Have you been flying at high altitiude without oxygen? :D

Can I digress for a moment and ask, Bob- how did this Hawaian shirt thing start?



Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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BoneheadNW said:
Can I digress for a moment and ask, Bob- how did this Hawaian shirt thing start?

For most of the year I actually wear either Hawaiian shirts or loudly colored and patterned shirts. As the weather gets cold, I typically switch to long sleeve shirts but very typically bright colors. Over on the other forum people were commenting on their Carhart clothes, I didn't know what they were and really still am not very familair with them. I asked and got branded (and correctly so) as the guy who wears a Hawaiian shirt while tractoring. Then I met up with RonJHall and his wife Betty one day and he posted that I did in fact wear Hawaiian shirt and designer jeans. And Dargo was asking about Hawaiian shirts one day and couldn't remember the brand, so I posted the answer. And in real life I am sort of a Hawaiian shirt guy. Not a Tom Sellick/Magnum P.I. type, just a casual laid back type. And it is no secret that I purchased some genuine Hawaiian barkcloth fabric with painted palm trees and pink flamingos on it to upholster my Snow Trac.

In addition to being branded with Hawaiian shirts, I've also been referred to as "one of those rich a$$holes", and a blunt jerk. Probably all are fairly accurate to one degree or another, I guess it depends on your point of view. So when I had the option of choosing my title, the jerk in the Hawaiian shirt just seemed to be the right thing. No sense in hiding behind something I am not!


Active member
B_Skurka said:
In addition to being branded with Hawaiian shirts, I've also been referred to as "one of those rich a$$holes", and a blunt jerk.

Not meaning to kiss up, but I would much rather deal with a rich A-hole, blunt jerk than a phony anything. You know, the type of person that, no matter what you say to them, nods their head, smiles, and says "Yeah, that's great." For example, "HEY, YOUR HAIR IS ON FIRE!" "Yeah, that's great." :moon:

Just my $.02


New member
HECK i have been flying at all altidues without oxygen, that is why i am so confused, and to reply to your question on B_skurka and his HAWIAIAN shirt , have you not seen the picture of him in it? my good lord what a sight to behold:D


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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frank_f15 said:
to reply to your question on B_skurka and his HAWIAIAN shirt , have you not seen the picture of him in it? my good lord what a sight to behold:D

No matter how bad I look in a shirt, you really do not want to see me without a shirt. Every year I threaten to shave my daughter's uniform number into my back hair and cheer for her on the sidelines of the soccer field. :eek: That would be a sight to behold:4_11_9:


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B_Skurka said:
No matter how bad I look in a shirt, you really do not want to see me without a shirt. Every year I threaten to shave my daughter's uniform number into my back hair and cheer for her on the sidelines of the soccer field. :eek: That would be a sight to behold:4_11_9:

Too funny.


Bottoms Up
Staff member
GOLD Site Supporter
B_Skurka said:
Originally Posted by B_Skurka
No matter how bad I look in a shirt, you really do not want to see me without a shirt. Every year I threaten to shave my daughter's uniform number into my back hair and cheer for her on the sidelines of the soccer field. That would be a sight to behold

ddrane2115 said:
Too funny.

Ahhh, I've seen that pic of you (Bob) of the time you were at a nascar race and you had a #3 shaved onto your back. That one has been around the internet for awhile now. I don't have it or I'd post a copy. :D