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The New Commodore 64, Updated With Its Old Exterior


At the time (1982), the Commodore computer cost $595 and came with a whopping 64 kilobytes of memory. It also contained a graphics and sound card that stood apart from other computers of the day.

Now, nearly 30 years later, the Commodore brand has taken on new management and is re-releasing its flagship computer, this time with all the amenities of a modern-day computer packed inside.

I had the Color Computer by Radio Shack which was Commodores competition. At first i thought way to late that these guys don't have a chance but from the comments in the link most were favorable. Maybe it will make it but in this age of Ipads and the like I would not be one backing this effort financially even if I could.
If this computer can be made to work wireless and connect to a large TV, I would be interested.
I had a Commadore 128 back in the day. It got replaced by an original, black and white, Apple Macintosh.

(Both were pretty much useless...)
That thing is kind of cool, but is really not useful. There is no up-grade path.
Given the tight packed into a tiny form factor.
1) upgrade video card nope.
2) add another hd nope.
3) upgrade sound card nope.
4) PCI slots nope.
5) add memory nope.
6) upgrade CPU nope.

But yea.. it's gonna sell a few units to people who were crazy nuts about the C64