If this worthless piece of shit Rooster ever shows up again, Rooster, where in America is this? People like you pushing this narrative are disgusting.
I walked through the chamber and saw the hole in the criling and then into the next room where they burned the bodies.
Again, Fuck You.
With the construction of Auschwitz II (Birkenau), Auschwitz became one of the largest killing centers of the Third Reich.
As Jews and other "undesirables" were brought into the concentration camp via train, they underwent a Selektion, or selection, on the ramp. Those deemed unfit for work were sent directly to the gas chambers. However, the Nazis kept this a secret and told the unsuspecting victims that they had to undress for a bath.
Led to a camouflaged gas chamber with fake showerheads, the prisoners were trapped inside when a large door was sealed behind them. Then, an orderly, who wore a mask, opened a vent on the roof of the gas chamber and poured Zyklon B pellets down the shaft. He then closed the vent to seal the gas chamber.
The Zyklon B pellets turned immediately into a deadly gas. In a panic and gasping for air, prisoners would push, shove, and climb over each other to reach the door. But there was no way out. In five to 20 minutes, depending on the weather, all inside were dead from suffocation.
After it was determined that all had died, the poisonous air was pumped out, which took about 15 minutes. Once it was safe to go inside, the door was opened and a special unit of prisoners, known as the Sonderkommando, hosed down the gas chamber and used hooked poles to pry the dead bodies apart.
Rings were removed and gold was plucked from teeth. Then the bodies were sent to the crematoria, where they were turned into ash.