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The Grudges

Slant Eyed Polack

Well-known member
Link: The Grudges

Interesting essay, by someone I've never heard of.

It’s fascinating to watch on social media as people and groups worry about their ethnic blood lines dying out or being diluted. Be advised, I’m not talking about ethnic genocides, which are always wrong and always evil. I’m talking about those who are up in arms about interracial/inter-ethnic relationships, intermarriage and integration.

Especially confusing are black Americans who go on about those of our number who procreate with non-black persons...

I was unaware of that tension in the black community. Nothing new under the sun. My slant-eyed half is Japanese - the maternal side of the family, lured to Hawaii in the early 20th century as plantation labor.

Paia, on Maui, is presently one of the wind surfing meccas of the universe. When my mom was growing up there, it was still a plantation town, and ethnically segregated - principally Portuguese (Portagee), Filipino (Flip) Japanese (Jap or Buddhahead), Chinese (Pake), & Korean (no nic I've ever heard). While everyone was aware of those distinctions, my mom doesn't recall any real tensions or animosities between them, and I never see it when I'm there. I, of course, am universally recognized as hapa haole (hapa=half). No one's ever been too interested in the particulars of my non-haole component - mom's an island girl, and that's good enough for them - regardless of their own individual ancestries. Aloha is kind of a thing, and uniquely American.

Mom's side of the family welcomed my dad pretty readily. His side, not so much. When dad called his mom to tell her she had a grandson, she replied "Does he look like us?" That was 50+ years ago, and she and her ilk have long since shuffled off this mortal coil. The people like that I've encountered face-to-face have been very few and very far between.

In the here & now, the most virulent racism I see emanates from left. Marriage, fitness, math, merit, punctuality, courtesy, and... the Superbowl for fu¢k's sake... are all racist. And not just racist, but white supremacy weaponized. Which is bullsh!t, of course. It has nothing to do with "race." Scratch a lefty racist, find a committed Marxist. OG Marxists fractured their societies along class lines. Their current-day progeny are doing the same using race - and more recently, gender.

Pro tip, boys & girls - there's only one race: Human. And now, sadly, we are obliged to state yet another immutable fact: there are only two genders. Period.


Proudly Deplorable
GOLD Site Supporter
We will never have racial harmony as long as any of us recognize race as a difference of our human identity.

Insert gender, ethnicity, age, anything that suggests we are subordinate or superior to each other. Our differences may define us but should never separate or divide us from one another.

In truth, no one is racially pure. We are all mongrels.