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The Cartel: America's Public School System

Alonzo Tubbs

Carpe Diem
SUPER Site Supporter
Thank you for posting this. For years, I had to train high school graduates to read a ruler, convert fractions to decimals and read and understand manuals written on an eighth grade level. I often asked what they had done in school for twelve years-for all intents and purposes, they were (are) illiterate.
On the other hand, I see positive changes being made by a small group of educaters, working unencumbered by burdensome regulations. Yolanda's daughter attends an elementry school staffed by people who care. It's a ghetto school, no money, but they so encourage the students and insist on parental involvement. Kindergarten through grade six have promotion ceremonies not only to instill pride in accomplishment in the students but to show parents that reguardless of what they've been told, their children can succeed.
I wish everyone could see the results they achieve. It can be done but they must have a school board willing to allow it.
One election and they're screwed.


Master of Distraction
Staff member
SUPER Site Supporter
School Boards, Unions, Politics, and the status quo are all combining to kill the schools.


Gone But Not Forgotten
GOLD Site Supporter
When the teachers spend more time trying to maintain order than teaching, kids don't learn. This starts at home with a lack of discipline and spending time with children early on. Most parents today do not teach their kids to read or do basic math before they ever reach school. This puts their children behind and drags down the whole class to a lower achievement level.