• Please be sure to read the rules and adhere to them. Some banned members have complained that they are not spammers. But they spammed us. Some even tried to redirect our members to other forums. Duh. Be smart. Read the rules and adhere to them and we will all get along just fine. Cheers. :beer: Link to the rules: https://www.forumsforums.com/threads/forum-rules-info.2974/



Two young boys walked into a pharmacy one day, picked out a box of tampons and proceeded to the checkout counter.
The man at the counter asked the older boy, 'Son, how old are you? 'Eight,' the boy replied. The man continued, 'Do you know what these are used for?' The boy replied, 'Not exactly, but they aren't for me. They're for him. He's my brother. He's four. We saw on TV that if you use these you would be able to swim and ride a bike.

Right now, he can't do either one....
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]An attractive young woman out grocery shopping wheels her cart up to the checkout line, only to realize that she's forgotten one item tampons. An attentive bagboy notices the woman's bemused expression and asks if there's a problem. "Oh, I just forgot to get something important," the woman replies.
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The bagboy, eager to assist a pretty customer, politely offers to go and get for her whatever item she's forgotten. Quite embarrassed but in a hurry to leave, the young woman whispers to the bagboy that she needs a box of Tampax . "No problem," he says, "I’ll be right back!"[/FONT]​
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The young woman is relieved and appreciates the help, as she waits at the register with a line forming behind her. Meanwhile, the bagboy has misunderstood the woman's shyly whispered request, and is now searching for a box of thumbtacks. Eventually he finds the thumbtacks, but is confused by the different choices available. Imagine the young woman's reaction when the bagboy comes trotting back up to the register calling to her "Miss, do you want the kind that you push in, or the kind that you hammer in?" [/FONT]​
Reminds me of the teenager at the pharmacy buying condoms for the first time.
The pharmacist says "That'll be $4.33 with tax."
The teen says "Oh, so that's how you hold em on". :bonk:
A woman walks into a drug store to buy tampons. She notices a group of tampons stacked on a table in corner with a sign on them saying, "5 boxes for a dollar" The woman just could not believe this price so she asked the clerk if it was correct. He said, "Yes, five for a dollar." She said, "That can't be right!" Clerk says, "Yes, it's correct. See here? Five boxes for a dollar, no strings attached."