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Taking names please


I thought of you BD when this guy showed up.

Part Lab of course, and something else. HUGE paws, and full of "zest" (not "wild" but likes to have a fun time when he's around you).

Figuring at least 1 year old. Looks like he's been chained up most of his life, although taking him out back, you'd never know it (you can't lose him, and when you think lost him for good, he shows up at your backdoor five minutes later).

Guy is a "natural" in the woods.

Not belonging to anyone local that we can figure.

As of now, we're calling him "the black dog". Looking for name suggsetions. Figuring since we already named two dogs from this forum, this seems like a good place to start looking for a name.

Hey BD, know of anyone looking?:D

Seems like a great dog, so shouldn't be as hard as others.


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What's he weight? Where ya keeping him? What's your call on him being an inside dog? I may just have to work on Mrs. BD, he looks like a keeper DZ!
BTW.......... he looks like a Jethro ............ :yum: Maybe Jet for the sake of retrieving!
What's he weight? Where ya keeping him? What's your call on him being an inside dog? I may just have to work on Mrs. BD, he looks like a keeper DZ!

Right now he's being crated inside the garage at night. He does fine with that so far. The misses feels to guilty leaving him outside in the pen when it gets below freezing and the others are inside.

Currently of course with his "breed mix" he doesn't seem to have any issues with the other dogs, but for now, we're not past the "seperation time" in case we find out something else before we get him to the vet (in other words, although the dogs can sniff each other through the fence, no "playtime" together).

Times like this I only hope he's heartwarm negative.

Have numerous signs up waiting for a call, but in this area, I doubt that will happen.

Not sure about house trained, since he hasn't been to the vet, again, he dosen't come inside.

Seems VERY trainable thought. Already knows he has to sit for a treat.

As I said, he's funny. Took him out back with me, the wife and dad over the weekend, and although you may not know where he's at, he always seems to know where you are.

Thought I lost him today on a hike out back, felt guilty going in telling the wife that he took off (hoping that he might reconize his "home woods" if I took him out back again), but when I went back into the garage from the house, there he was sitting on the steps wagging his tail.

First day we saw him in the yard we knew he was friendly. Tried to ignore him, but that didn't work. He knew how to fetch right away, but he's funny, he always overruns the ball like our yellow lab does.

Kind of like Jethro only for the fact that the name "fits" in the area and although he's not tall, he seems VERY solid.
Already have a shadow, and shes here to stay (ours).

Already had a "Lucky" here as well.

Kind of like Tucker, but my wife liked Jethro.

Appreciate the feedback!
Well, apparently his name is Scooby.

Got a call this morning from a lady who saw one of my signs and she described him to a "T".

Funny though, they got the dog for their four year old son and the son has been devestated because the dog has been missing for three weeks.

Guess what I find funny is they never put up a "lost dog" sign, the dog has no tags whatsoever, and most important, no rabies tags, which means if the dog ever gets picked up by animal control, it's usually an automatic death sentence. Added to the fact that they had a loose dog that wasn't neutered roaming around.

I'll be taking him "home" this evening.
Can you make sure he has all his tags before he is 'returned' or make them do it before you let him go? It all sounds a bit suspicious to me, but perhaps I am a doubting type of person. I would want to know more.
:agree: Sounds like a real bitter/sweet deal. I know you want to get the dog back to the kid, but it makes me wonder how much attention they payed to him. The dog must have liked you, to stay around and come back. I wish him the best of luck.
BTW, he reminds me of a lab I had that I named 'Spook', (for more than one reason.) He was a true friend, watched my pu truck when I wasn't around, and would do anything I asked him. I thought I was doing the right thing and had him heartwormed @ the vet's. The socond dose, he had an alergic reaction to and died at about 1 1/2 years old. I really miss him, especially now that I live where he could have run free & I wouldn't have had to keep him chained up over night. :(
Can you make sure he has all his tags before he is 'returned' or make them do it before you let him go? It all sounds a bit suspicious to me, but perhaps I am a doubting type of person. I would want to know more.

Nope the dog is theirs BUT, DZ will now know where he's located and COULD make a visit every now and then!!! I'll pay your gas DZ ..... :Unsure:
Can you make sure he has all his tags before he is 'returned' or make them do it before you let him go? It all sounds a bit suspicious to me, but perhaps I am a doubting type of person. I would want to know more.

Welcome to the world of owning pets, at least in the United States.

"Technically" (sp?) as of now, the dog is ours (I seriously doubt they, the owners have any "paperwork").

However, in reality,the dog's "real" owners are those who called us.

Pets are considered personal property in the eyes of the law. Period. Old saying, posession (sp?) is nine tenths of the law.

That's one reason why when we adopt an animal out, we have a contract that the "adoptive" family MUST sign before they take the animal. This way if the animal is not treated in the manner we see fit (yes, perhaps another debate), at least we have some legal recourse to see that the animal is returned. The question is raised by who's standards a domesticated pet should be raised. This opens a can of worms so to speak. For some, outside shelter and food and water is enough (and even then, at least in my area, even those standards are not met). For others, the animal is a part of the family, housed inside like the rest.

Fact is that for different people, domesticated "pets" are viewed differently on how those "pets" should be handled within the family.

Where I live, most dogs are chained to a dog house for all of their lives. Chances are if they are not chained, they are allowed to roam freely, and if they come back to the house, well, good for them. Problem is most "pets" are not "fixed", thus the problem of a unwanted population of "pets" that must be destroyed. Rabies is also a big concearn in this rural area, so if animal control picks up an animal that doesn't have it's rabies tag, chances are it will be destroyed.

A couple of months ago we had a black lab that wondered in and off our property. We actually thought at first this dog may of been the same dog.

One evening our organization got an e-mail from a concearned person that the same black lab was picked up at our local school (who we saw a couple of months ago). You see, there is no leash law, except for on school grounds. This lab was so friendly that it wanted to play with the children, but a concearned parent called animal control because this dog was on school grounds without being on a leash. Sad to say, the dog was destroyed. I felt somewhat guilty for not taking the dog in, but the dog didn't want to stay on our property, so I didn't know if he belonged to anyone.

I find it ironic that we helped the one animal control officer in the county find a home for his mothers pet after she had to go to a rest home. He didn't want to see that dog go where he takes them:(

Funny thing I learned about dogs. The real smart ones don't trust humans, and can't be caught. You have to earn their trust. The dumb ones are the ones who trust any human (although we don't think of them as being dumb, only friendly).
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I thank God I live in Wales, although I would certainly say there are plenty of bad owners of animals here, but we don't have rabies. My Timba is part of my family and I am very priviledged that she wants to be so. I don't 'own' her anymore than I own the rest of my family.
Well, to finish the story, dropped the dog off last night.

Turns out this was the exact same dog that was caught on school grounds playing with the children that was picked up by animal control, who we thought was destroyed. School is a good four miles away from their house.

Don't ask, you have to know how well run that department is.

Also turns out to be the same dog who has wondered onto our property before. Don't know why he decided to stay this time.

Dog stays loose outside on their property 24/7. No fence. Guess it's better than chaining him up all day.

Lady mentions the dog is just loves people so he likes to wonder off and visit their relatives (up the road from them).

Second or third time the dog has wondered off and has been gone from their house weeks at a time. They are thinking of getting another dog for company so he (black lab) doesn't wonder off.

Lady has the rabies tag sitting in the house (technically she had to get one when she picked the lab up at animal control).

She is "thinking" about having him neutered.

Not that it matters, but money is probably the least of their concearns.

Just perplexed why they didn't think of putting up a "lost dog" sign, but apparently will drive the "neighborhood" all day looking for him.

Funny, last night my wife dropped off pet food for some people "on hard times" who can't afford pet food right now. Interesting when you're able to observe how different people care for their pets. Before I started doing this, I would of thought there would be a corrolation between finances and how one cares for their pets. I can assure you, there isn't.