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T-Shirt designer


Bottoms Up
Staff member
GOLD Site Supporter
I'm looking for ideas for a ForumsForums logo / T-shirt design. I plan to sell the T Shirts to support the site, and use them for the prize in our next forum member drive.

Do we have any creative types on here?


The Crazy Scot, #3
SUPER Site Supporter
Hey Doc; Do you remember the model cars back in the late 60's early 70's? They were caricatures of real cars with a monster like figure driving it. One of the models was Rat Fink, and there were others that I can't recall. I'm by no means an artist, but how about something like that, only with a tractor. We're getting more and more people that may not be tractor oriented, but that was the first common thread amongst us. If I can recall what those models were called, I'll let you know.:wave: :beer:


Just Plinkin Away the $$
johnday said:
Hey Doc; Do you remember the model cars back in the late 60's early 70's? They were caricatures of real cars with a monster like figure driving it. One of the models was Rat Fink, and there were others that I can't recall. I'm by no means an artist, but how about something like that, only with a tractor. We're getting more and more people that may not be tractor oriented, but that was the first common thread amongst us. If I can recall what those models were called, I'll let you know.:wave: :beer:
Here Ya'arrrrr


  • FF Fink.jpg
    FF Fink.jpg
    31.8 KB · Views: 159


The Crazy Scot, #3
SUPER Site Supporter
Tom; YES!! Thats one of them. Don "Big Daddy" Roth! Do you remember the rest? Some demented looking thing like that on a "funny" tractor. Funny as in funny car.

GOL STAR coming your way!:tiphat: :beer: :beer:


The Crazy Scot, #3
SUPER Site Supporter
Man, we're showing our ages!:whistle: Not only that, but I had Roth's first name wrong. Those things brought back mameries of going to the store and buying another model to put together. Spent a lot of time back then building models. Thanks Tom!!:tiphat: :beer:


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
Staff member
GOLD Site Supporter
Well I feel left out. I don't wear T-Shirts. Ever.

OK well I did make an exception and wore (1 time) a "glow in the dark" White Castle hamburger T-Shirt. My daughter gave it to me. But I think I threw it away instead of throwing it into the laundry.

Now I will occasionally wear a golf/polo style shirt. Any chance we could consider a collared polo style shirt instead of a T-Shirt?

And I will add my vote for a "Rat Fink" style logo. Or maybe MOON EYES style? Both of those are old hot rod logos from the same era. In the same vein as the hot rod style logos what about a logo like Indian Larry had? The question mark over an iron cross? (this whole forum is sort of old school so l like the fact that old logos are being talked about, but we also are a question looking for a solution in that we left TBN but really don't have a real purpose here like we did there) .


Personally the whole Von Dutch craze is a bit much for me, all the kids today have grabbed up on the new Von Dutch marketing hype but it doesn't have any remnant of the real Von Dutch behind it.

Of couse we couldn't copy anyone else's logo, but we could adopt one that is similar in style and not incure the wrath of copyright laws.
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The Eccentric Englishman
SUPER Site Supporter
How about a silk shirt with palm trees etc and ForumsForums on it. That would definately suit Bob and a silky shirt would definately fit into my wardrobe :D


Bottoms Up
Staff member
GOLD Site Supporter
Good suggestions guys! I don't remember the name Big Daddy Roth, but I have seen the Rat Fink character somewhere before, I seem to remember it having to do with a Beach Blanket Bingo type of movie and the motorcycle gang leader.

I think something like RF on a tractor could be eye catching.

Bob, I'm shocked. What do you wear when your tractoring if not a T Shirt? Once we have a logo or design that would go on a golf shirt I'm sure we could offer those also. Maybe even a silk Palm Tree shirt like Mith suggested. Those would cost a bit more, but I'll see about offering them also.

This is my 2nd try at a reply. For some reason our power has gone off three times now. We still have some strong winds going thru here. I better post before it goes out again.


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
Staff member
GOLD Site Supporter
Doc said:
Bob, I'm shocked. What do you wear when your tractoring if not a T Shirt?

You'd probably hate to see a photo of the shirts in my closet as the color combinations would probably make most folks ill. But when I tractor, if the weather permits, I usually tractor in a Hawaiian shirt, perhaps not one of the fancy silk ones, but still very likely a Hawaiian shirt. As the weather cools I do switch to long sleeves, but again color dominates. Sure, I do have some obligtory white button downs, but for the most part my shirts are pretty loud. I do like hunting shirts with the padded right shoulder, but even those can be had in some pretty bright colors. Let's just say I normally don't blend into the surroundings.