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Swedish made snowtracks


New member
1. Iller means polecat in eng. They have a Saab V4 (Ford V4) engine and
later VW diesel engine.
2. Bigger Iller 300 1996
3. Åsele weasel was made in 60s and have a VW engine.
4. Aktiv trac with Polaris 340 engine is a funny one that all ppl should have at home :)
5. Sandberg weasel was made in early 60s and was build on a volvo tractor engine.


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Somewhere in the Photo Gallery we have more photos of the Aktiv Trac (picture #4 above) and I believe a copy of the technical manual or brochure. SweGus, another of our Swedish members posted some information about those last season. Interesting little cats, very similar to some of the 6 and 8 wheel ATVs that we have running around North America.
Thanks for the pictures :clap:

I always like seeing different kinds of snowcats.

That Activ Trac looks like good fun !!!
1. Bison 1981. Have no ide who made it have search on internet but dont find anything.
2a. Finncat flextrac made in Finland. You steer with flexible belt!
2b. 21 hk 2-cyl engine weight 325 KG or 716 lb.
3. Larven Swedish made in 80s. Have never see one in real life so I dont have any idea on how you are going to steer this with youre ski.
For me it look like youre ski is going under the track when you try to turn around with it.
4. 1989 Larven cost 3800$ and have a 175 cc Lenko engine with enormously 15 HK. Weight is 110 KG or 242 lb ready to drive.
5. Terri 10. Also Swedish made still in business.
They have some pictures in gallery.


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3. Larven Swedish made in 80s. Have never see one in real life so I dont have any idea on how you are going to steer this with youre ski.
For me it look like youre ski is going under the track when you try to turn around with it.

That is one interesting design! I suspect that you have to lean into the turn and use your skis AND make sure you don't run over your own ski while you are making the turn :ermm:
Found video on larven

[ame="http://se.youtube.com/watch?v=rgfMN7zsmDw"]YouTube - I belive in Larven[/ame]
[ame="http://se.youtube.com/watch?v=1NKpKkVMLOc"]YouTube - Janne med Larven i Mårdsel[/ame]
It would be prudent to note that roughly a quarter of Sweden is ABOVE the arctic circle, which only a few countries can make this claim. This would account for the proliferatin of Snow Machine developments. Until just recently, claims that a man from Denmark/Sweden/Norway was the first to reach the South pole were discredited, in favor of the doomed Scott expedition. Recent findings would indicate that the Scandinavian DID in fact make it there first. "On Dec 14th, 1911 Norwegian Roald Amundsen, beat Robert F Scott by just over a month" Of course Scott and his people didn't grow up using Dog Sleds and Raindeer near the Arctic Circle.
NICE posting of Pictures of some Unique machines! Thanks!