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Surgery again....


New member
Warning: Medical problems and details...weak stomach? Dont read.. sorry for the spelling but right now I do not care how I spell...

Ok so I was diagnosed years ago with Hashimotos thyroiditis. They have been watching my thyroid grow as my body attacked it for the past 5 years. What should be a smooth butterfly shapped gland is a very rough looking gland that looks like there are holes in it..as the doc describes it moth eaten... I developed swallowing problems and have had every test under the sun to try and figure out the cause of the swallowing problems. EGD, Barium swallows, food trays etc...etc...

About a year and a half ago I developed what they are calling a "extrathyroidal nodule".... In actuality it isnt connected to my thyroid but sitting beside it. It has grown over the past year and a half but my TSH levels have remained the same. Recently I got pissed with the doc and told them what I wanted. I wanted to see a endocrinologist. The endo doc thought it could of been a bad parathyroid gland. My PTH is normal and calcium came back normal... Back to square one... Then he said ok well lets do a fine needle biopsy on the "extrathyroidal nodule" ( to check for cancer). I went in for the FNB last week and the radiologist refused to do it because it is to deep. So he in turn referred me to a surgeon.

Today I saw the surgeon... Ugh...Disappointing news.

Total thyroidectomy with removal of "extrathyroidal nodule". Everything will be sent to see if it is cancerous. I will be on hormone replacement the rest of my life...

The surgeon can not gurantee this will solve the problems but said based on my symptoms it is the next step. I already have a bad thyroid... having it stop working on me is inevitable.

I am scheduled for surgery Aug 10th. The day we lost Jasper :(... I will be in the hospital overnight and off work 2-3 weeks.. I do not think I have enough job protected leave hours for 2-3 weeks and I sure do not have ANY paid time off... Short term disability will kick in after two weeks.

Think that is enough after being hospitalized for emergency gallbladder surgery in April??? NOOOOOO

I am having horrible kidney pain on top of everything and I do have a rather large non-obstructing kidney stone on the left. I see my urologist tomorrow and they will likely order a IVP...

Is that enough for you or even me?? NOOOOO

I have been having this horrible plain in my ass... yes my ass and No it isnt rusty...( good one right?? :clap:) and with that pain brase yourself.. If you are easily grossed out...STOP READING NOW....

Bloody bowel movements...My gastro doc said to go to the ER...where am I? Sitting at home... I refuse to go.. Im tired... tired of everything....

And it sad but good... Rusty is sticking with me through it all... I would not blame him if he left... but he hasnt...... He is a good man.. <3

Whats next?......
Not good news for sure. You direly do need to have a colonoscopy done to see where the blood is coming from. Don't wait around on that or it will throw everything else off. You may have an ulcer in your bowel or something simple that they can cauterize. Please don't put it off as it is life threatening. Good luck in all you have on your head right now. Trip Rusty or something to take a break from worrying.:flowers::flowers::flowers:
My heart goes out to you, hope you can get a handle on it all, but like Muleman said, get a colonsocopy to find out where the blood is coming from.

Even with removal of the parts that currently may need it, like the thyroid you will be adaptable with meds and such, but Colon cancer if left untreated is another critter that will eat you up. At this point it may be just a checkup and find you have a blood vessel with a hole somewhere that needs to be cauterized shut and that is that.

My having had cancer, I don't know of any "Easy" way to deal with it except by early diagnosis where they can stop it dead in it's tracks.

But second opinions are a good thing to do, and if they don't agree, a third is in order!

Keep us informed of how it goes, lots of moral support here.... OK, and some immoral support too:whistling:

Good Luck from someone who been there in parts...:wink:
Wow...you've been through allot. Get the colonoscopy. You don't want to mess around with that. My dad had ulcerative collitis(ulcers on the inside of the intestine) He nearly died one night and ended up in the hospital for a month or so in ICU. He ended up having his entire colon removed and now has a bag for the rest of his life.
Wow...you've been through allot. Get the colonoscopy. You don't want to mess around with that. My dad had ulcerative collitis(ulcers on the inside of the intestine) He nearly died one night and ended up in the hospital for a month or so in ICU. He ended up having his entire colon removed and now has a bag for the rest of his life.

We're suppose to cheer her up, not scare her to death!:flowers:

Glad your dad did pull though it! :smile:
Goodness Lith!
I am so sorry to hear about all these things.
I'll be thinking about you, hun.
It's not going to be easy, for sure.
Lith - I feel so bad to read this. I agree with what others said before me. Now is the time to try - as hard as it might be - to see past this. You have too much fire and life in you to do otherwise.
Lith, you have been thro so much the last year, and now you have to go thro all of this too; its so unfair. I hope you can get a handle on what exactly is going on inside of you, and that good progress in health is imminent. Its good to get second and third opinions, as someone else said here...

You know, the bowel bleeding could be from an ulcerated colon, but it could just as easily be coming from the kidney stone, and even from something as simple as haemorrhoids/Piles. Do you lift heavy articles at work, or have you been more active lately in the garden, around the house, etc?

Bloody bowel movements...My gastro doc said to go to the ER...where am I? Sitting at home... I refuse to go.. Im tired... tired of everything....

You can't just give up, and leave this to rectify itself hon, you have to go get it checked out. You owe it to yourself, and certainly to Rusty. Go do it today!

So today was a rough day... I had the day off work to catch up on doctors appointments. I feel like I am in a tug of war with myself. One end is to have my thyroid taken out and the other it to not. I spoke to my endo doc today and he said it is my decision but the likelyhood of it needing to be taken out in the future is high...If he had to have his thyroid out he would choose my surgeon...

I cried alot today and took like two naps. My IBS is in over drive so I spent a lot of time in the bathroom as well.. ugh..

It seems like the logical choice would be to just get the thyroid out. I guess I am scared about loosing another one of my organs.. sounds crazy right? I cried alot after my gallbladder was removed. I just keep thinking- well there is not much more they can take out before I die... horrible thoughts..

I am concerned about work. I need to tell my boss that I need to have surgery and it is in a few weeks. I did find out today that I have enough job protected hours to get through my surgery. That alone is a big weight off my shoulders.. I am scared because I have been so sick that last year and a half and missing so much work that they are going to fire me...
Good thoughts and prayers coming from my way also. Best of luck with all this Lith.
Have you talked to anyone about the bleeding problem yet? While the thyroid is an issue, it does not seem as urgent as the other one.
Wishing You the Best!, You have a lot of support here but Best of All you have a good man with you. Don't give up , it's important for Both of you!
So I figured out what was next... LOL

What the doctors think could be laryngitis. My rusty do this voice is gone!!! I have also been running a very small fever with it. The doc put me on no work till I get my voice back.. which sucks because I only have so much work hours left that are being saved for my surgery in two weeks. But I guess it would be hard to do my job if I can not talk.

It did hit me pretty fast. I had a scratchy throat one day and the next I woke up with a hoarse voice and then the next day I woke up with NO voice.

I started a z-pack last night. The doc said due to surgery in two weeks we will try to treat it as quickly as possible. She said the antibiotic may or may not work.

My main concern was that it is my thyroid doing something funky. It seems like the classic case of laryngitis but then again it doesnt. She said If I does not improve in a week or so I need to call the surgeon... whats he gonna do??? Call off the surgery that is going to make my voice go the same way for a few weeks anyway...:hammer:

Ugh...anyway... Im stuck at home with no pay and I am suppose to be resting..

Whats next??????