So, what are you gonna do?
I know the feeling. It's taken me a few years but I think I have all the tools and equipment to handle all but the worst storms. I still get "stressed" when the storms are happening. I don't sleep well and get up early to see if I need to plow or salt the road.
I could get transfered to Orlando. My wife wont let me. I had to drive her to work today. She wont drive on ice. It is a good thing. I too, am sick of cold weather. I dont have a plan either. Maybe I will have a beer after work.
I know the weather can really get to people sometimes. And yes, it is extra work. But it's not something that should stress you out. It's nature and you gotta deal with it. Or I guess you can move. There are many more other things in life to stress about.
I will learn Spanish, I was pretty good at understanding it back when I lived in SoCal, but I have forgot it all except a few dirty words.
I think everyone should be made to learn English here.
I think so too.
Make sure you run the generator a bit and make sure it is all topped up on oil etc. Prepping for the storm is a good way to get your mind off it.
I will learn Spanish, I was pretty good at understanding it back when I lived in SoCal, but I have forgot it all except a few dirty words.
Having a generator, fuel, food/water and toilet paper should reduce your stress level significantly. After that (at least for me), the only remaining stress is waiting for the family to get home and watching the house for damage from branches, flooding or whatever. I did a lot of drain tiles and tree removal so my worries are nominal when mom nature takes a swipe at us.
May I propose you put a plastic bag or grill cover (the latter is my preference) on that generator before putting it back in the barn? It keeps it clean for the next run.
An amendment to last post:
I just walked past the tractor and it has a flat on the front and is off the rim. It was fine yesterday when I brought it up to the house from down back. I guess I better get some layers on and go get it fixed. So much for fantasy shopping at Cabela's and drinking coffee.
By the way, the temp is 25° with snow flurries. Not too bad.