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Stooge tales


Active member
The errand for a third party that wants to pull strings to their convenience is as old as the first human beings. It's done all over the world and some of us have even witnessed it first-hand.

I'll give you an example of a puppet master incident I witnessed.

In my secondary, or high school, we had a pc that had games we could play at break time. We'd gather round n watch while one played and then take turns every five minutes. One time, one of my school mates pushed one of the others against the wall next to the piano so he couldn't join in. After telling him to let him go and being meh with silence, my school mate kneed and kicked his restraining party in the stomach (6-7 times, due to his heavy frame as suggested by a friend of mine, who wasn't present, I was off to the side at the time and saw about 3 of the kicks), making him back off and giving my other school mate liberty to go and watch the game. The student who had restrained him didn't want to leave the matter at that. He quickly recovered, walked up behind him and smacked him on the back of his head with an open hand. This caused him to stumble into some of the others and then turn, walk up to his aggressor and they had a Mexican stand down, which didn't lead to anything else.

My colleague conjectured that the student who held the other one back was acting as a stooge for someone else.

I would like to understand why someone would ask someone else to stop a particular individual from taking part in a group activity. Please, I would like your feedback on this rather unsettling practice, taking the event I've explained into account.
Not really clear on exactly what happened, but I'd guess there is a backstory.

If someone gets pushed out of the way, physically, to prevent participation, there is usually some other reason. Perhaps an altercations the day before? Or earlier in the day?
Not really clear on exactly what happened, but I'd guess there is a backstory.

If someone gets pushed out of the way, physically, to prevent participation, there is usually some other reason. Perhaps an altercations the day before? Or earlier in the day?
I don't recall any incidents that day or the day before. Nothing really out of the ordinary occured. I don't remember any bickering. Everyone seemed to be getting along. Would you say the Lieutenant status my mates had under Jack the bully, who, for the public viewers was the ringleader of his own little group, who got expelled shortly before the events of this thread, changed their relationship in some way?

What happened was this: during our break time, my school mates went to gather round one of the computers to play our regular pc game. One of them, (Alex), held one of the others back (Tom), well away from it, against the wall beside the piano, so he couldn't take his turn or watch.

After Tom asked Alex to let him go, which Alex responded to with silence and continuing to hold him in place, Tom delivered a series of blows (I didn't actually see the first ones because I'd stopped to watch the game from the side after I'd dropped something on the floor). I felt the room shake and then I saw Alex backing away from Tom, who landed three hard kicks in his stomach to force him away from him, before he joined the group to watch the game.

Alex wasn't repelled, though. He walked over to Tom and thumped him on the back of the head with a palm blow. This caused Tom to stumble, turn around, walk up to Alex and they had a Mexican standoff, with no further blows being exchanged.

Have I made the matter more clear?
Not really. But it does sound like a case of bullying and that needs no provocation. A bully just begins a series of repeated attacks on a fellow student to whom he (she) feels superior. Add a toadie or two and you get this scenario. There is no point or purpose, it is just what bullies, and their buddies, do.