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st4 output sprocket torque

Came across this doing an unnecessary seal replacement for leak.
All shiny where the flat washer was free to rotate. Oil seeped along splines.
The castle nut/cotter key alignment was either too loose (this case) or too tight if carried to the next slot.
While I puzzled over this I removed the other side and discovered someone had inserted a thin shim washer between the sprocket and the flat washer. Idea stolen. Got decent torques on both sides.

Had to figure out what a kpm was....about 7.23 ftlb.
From print out above, the "intelligence" on the seal is in the part number. 45mmx62mmx12mm.
Wish all the pns were like that.
So the seal was ok after all.
Did discover this.
B+ inside the loom. Makes me feel better about the seals.
Also noticed this...

ST 1078A steering link welded and microstamped. Anybody?
Critiquing my previous:
Could have tried mixing and matching pieces (nut, flat washer, even the sprocket) from side to side or different nuts entirely but it didn't occur to me.
Was thinking too linearly. Next time.....
I have learned here that loose splines are a very bad thing.
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I would think that is a roller bearing there and the sprocket just dead heads up against the shaft. but your are spot on. I would have never thought of lube working past the spline!