Gone But Not Forgotten
Got to hope this weather holds like they are forecasting. Spread 2800 lbs. of granulated lime on the pasture and garden yesterday. Seemed everything I went to use either needed jump started or a tire blown up. Got the big tiller mounted on the tractor to till the garden if it stays dry. We had good rain last night to make the lime work and are hoping we can disc the field we prepped last fall and seed it with clover and ensilage mix. I will be planting peas and onions this weekend and building a raised hoop house for strawberries. Been too damn busy to catch my breath. If it stays like this I will move the chickens out of the barn next week. They have just gone back to laying after the moult and love fresh green stuff I have been pulling for them. Transplanted carrots in the planter boxes I built along the greenhouse. Sowed some beets in one also. Have to move my tomatoes and pea fence to a new area this year. Trying to find some fruit trees to plant along the back of the garden. That way they would inside the fence from the wild critters.