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some more kayak pics


Found a couple more kayak pictures.

For you guys who rafted the Gauley, the first picture is at Iron Ring well BELOW the usually raft run over 2,000 cfs (around 600 cfs)

Second is at Lost Paddle (Gauley) at a higher level

Third is at Tygart Valley Falls

And the last one is at Pillow Rock, again on the Gauley.


  • ironrings.jpg
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  • lostpaddle.jpeg
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  • tyfalls1.jpeg
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  • kayakpillow.jpg
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Bottoms Up
Staff member
GOLD Site Supporter
Good pictures DZ. Sure brings back memories of my trips down the Gauley and New Rivers.


the photoes collections are good and it looks very beautiful

Post edited by Doc to remove the link. Helen, post a little more before you add links. Thanks!


Bronze Member
Site Supporter
Found a couple more kayak pictures.

Looks like fun! I have not kayaked, but have done a bunch of rafting. Northern California has some great river action; north Fork Yuba River, Middle and South Fork American, Merced, Clavey Falls on the Tuolome(sp) and others. Maytag is a nice class-5 on the North Fork Yuba.

All that class-4 and class-5 action is a lot of fun. Some of it gets real technical, wich is challenging and at the same time fun:w00t2:


Looks like fun! I have not kayaked, but have done a bunch of rafting. Northern California has some great river action; north Fork Yuba River, Middle and South Fork American, Merced, Clavey Falls on the Tuolome(sp) and others. Maytag is a nice class-5 on the North Fork Yuba.

All that class-4 and class-5 action is a lot of fun. Some of it gets real technical, wich is challenging and at the same time fun:w00t2:

I always wanted to do the seven teacups on the Kern from the first time I saw pictures of it.

The western part of the U.S has the come of the best whitewater, handsdown. I always thought the Gauley was some big water running over 4k, but nothing like snowmelt water out west.
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