Well, the vote was just certified by congress for Trump. And Harris presided. I must say, that was particularly satisfying to watch.
There also appears to have been no concerted effort on the part of the Left to stop the certification. No riots, no legal challenges, no objections from the Dems present at the official proceeding. Which is surprising given their years long, constant characterization of a potential second Trump term as the second coming of Adolph Hitler. They warned us over and over that if Trump won, it would be the end of democracy, the United States would be turned into a fascist, dictatorial state, the world would enter a new dark age, the economy would collapse, and countless people would die. In short, they said, it would be the beginning of the end: Armageddon.
Yet, not a peep to stop Trump's certification. Maybe they're biding their time for the inauguration. Surely, they'll march on the Capitol then, in the name of freedom and all that is holy, to stop the rise of Satan.
Or, maybe, just maybe, they were full of horse shit the entire time. It was all just lies, and they knew it the whole time. Yeah, I'm betting it was that. Which makes it official: the Left are a bunch of Liars. Nobody should ever believe a word they say ever again. So, let's remember that when they once again start up with their inevitable fear mongering over every decision and every sneeze that Trump utters. They are Liars. The end.