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Snowmaster sprockets


New member

Anyone know where I can get a 17 spline to have 16 tooth driven gears made for my snowmaster. I can get the sprockets and chain ok but cannot find a spline that works on my transmission to mate the sprocket to.

Also, can anyone tell me how to take apart the variator without screwing it up. I need to send in the transmission to get it rebuilt.

Anyone know where I can get a 17 spline to have 16 tooth driven gears made for my snowmaster. I can get the sprockets and chain ok but cannot find a spline that works on my transmission to mate the sprocket to.

Also, can anyone tell me how to take apart the variator without screwing it up. I need to send in the transmission to get it rebuilt.

Redsqurel ( a member here) made up a set last year. Had a guy water jet the splines. They are metric by the way... I bet he will chime in here soon..

So geared, his Sowmaster could run up to around 20 mph, just about the same as my stock greared ST4. He had a very strong engine in it as well..

It will be a custom job. I would ike to go from the 11 tooth up to a 15 tooth. Someday...

Regards, Kirk
HI greg, that spline is an involute metric *bastard* one off spline.

I had a program created to recreate that spline. I am waiting on a better price. the first set I made was quite pricey and I think some competitve bidding will get the price down.

hang in there.

Thanks Don, Kirk and Mike

I really appreciate the help.


Do I have to disassemble the variator or just unbolt the tubes from transmission and pull it apart leaving the variator together?


That would be awesome to get some more speed like that out of this machine. Heres hoping.


I will try and find one out there. I had a machine shop guy tell me I could get the original sprockets softened and then he would cut the old sprocket off and put a new one on. Really did not want to ruin the original sprocket but might be the only way.
let me make a suggestion while having the trans rebuilt you could change your final drive ratio with a ring and pinion swap. just a thought , still wishing I had gone that way with mine I just didn't quite have the money or time

That's a good idea. What ratio would you suggest? If I do the ratio change and sprocket change I should be able to get a lot more top end out of it.

Greg the stock gearing is for a bus, and is quite low ration like in the 5:86 range I think. When the Trans is out, put it in 4th gear, (1:1) and turn the input shaft from the clutch as many turns as it takes (counting them) and see how many it takes to turn the output shaft one full turn. If I am right, then you should make nearly 6 turns (5 3/4 and a bit more)

Lets say you go with 4:10 ration ring and pinion. This would mean 4 turns and a touch more to get one turn of the output shaft. In this case the difference between stock and the 4:10 ratio would be 1.4 (divide the two) or only 4 turns and a touch on the inut shft to get one turn at the out put shaft, and a 40% jump up in speed. Not to bad! Hope you have enough HP...

The 11 tooth driver in the final drive works out like this. I want a 15 tooth. 15 divided by 11 = 1.36 or a 36% increase in speed at a given engine RPM, nearly the same as swapping out drive sprockets...

Get the idea?:smile::smile:

By doing this You can campare different choices with out expence.. I like that alot.

Don't get too carried away. It takes more HP than you may have. To double the speed rule of thumb is that it takes 4X the horsepower. So if you go too far, you could end up with a worthless 4 grear, and 3rd maynot be as fast as you like...:doh:

Regards, Kirk
I believe the snow master has a few draw backs to high speed 1 the grousers suck a lot of horse power ,nd 2 the tracks weigh a lot more.I wouldn't want to go much more than a 4.10 and at that point you would need around 75 hp to get decent flat land performance, on .snow you would need 3 rd gear 90 to 100 hp would be much better .remeberif you have to mash the pedal to the floor to achieve 3500 rpm it won't be long before the engine will start to over heat.

Excellent idea, that would change my mind on changing the sprockets plus cheaper. I wonder though if I should increase the hp in the engine or put a different one in.


It is a 1600cc stock motor.


It would be a bummer to get the tranny done then not have enough hp to run it but the engine would be the easy thing to get back out. I really don't want to take the transmission out again in a long time.
Thanks guys for all the input. This forum rocks.....:smile::smile:

How do I get my picture to show up on my name plate on here? I see all your pictures but not mine
I see you figured out the avatar thing. Nice work.
Ring and pinion comment:
I inquired with the Ring and pinion deal and the info I got was from some clymer manuals and a buddy who races buggies and spends a lot of time researching these gear sets.
the Trans we have only accepts a couple of the available ring and pinions, it had something to do with the transmission case. there are removable side plates and then a newer trans that only had one side removable. we have the former. ( no claims to genius)

Second thought, I am changing the design of what I had posted in the other thread to make just a hub that will accept any sprocket.
Two reasons.
One you can fit every thing through the access holes.
Two you can fit any sprocket on. going on the trails gear up. Going in the steep and deep, Gear down.

Changing the sprockets would be fairly quick and easy.

Im not trying to sway you one way or the other. do your homework and share your findings. This is how the forums succeeds. I found the track master quite happy at the 2.62 final ratio.(that was a factory offered ratio) I had a pretty stout motor but the junk yard motor in the other machine ran right with it while pulling Ice houses in deep snow.

I will keep you informed on the tranny. The guy who has my motor and tranny owns a buggy shop and is extremely knowledgeable. Where did you find the splined hubs for these machines? I can find the sprockets but not the hubs.


You are so right!!!