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snowcat of some sort


Well-known member
SUPER Site Supporter
Saw this cat last spring. Don't know what it is or what they were doing with it on a golf course.


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Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
Staff member
GOLD Site Supporter
Not sure, but it looks like a CENTUAR, withh a set of mud tracks on it (mud tracks are different than snow tracks). Centaur is the commercial vehicle division of Argo. Argo makes 6x6 and 8x8 vehicles. The Centuars are a bit bigger and bit heavier than the Argos. If if is a Centuar, the cab may be an early model cab as it does not look like the current production units I've seen. But the size looks to be about right and the 'mud' tracks look to be right for a Centaur.