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Snocats and tower climbers


Well-known member
Cool video, thanks for sharing. Last winter I made 4 trips up to 2 of our radio sites for technical issues.


Bronze Member
GOLD Site Supporter
My wife usually calls bruce if i'm not back and he is usually with me.
Only one time i had to leave my cat at a tower site. Been up twice so far this season and only a loose skipping track from not tightening it enough.


Bronze Member
GOLD Site Supporter
Tower sites are cool as you get to the top of the mountain.


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GOLD Site Supporter
Sno-Drifter, where is the first one? Looks kinda like the commercial side of Goat, but not quite. Second one Mary's PK?

I liked the excuse to run the cat on company time.


Bronze Member
GOLD Site Supporter
Two for two Ciderman. Guess the look out on Mary's Peak is gone they tell me. It was a cool place.


GOLD Site Supporter
Goat was the primary reason I got a cat. My stuff was at the Public Service end. Only walked over to that end a couple of times.

Went in one time through the attic/roof hatch. Someone had removed the ladder kept inside to climb back up into the attic. Ladder is now bolted to the wall.