I was in the 'neighborhood' with my dump trailer so I stopped in to look at this thing. I searched the Internet for hours and could not find anything like it. I was able to find some Ridge Runner machines but the looked nothing like this one. The owner said it was rare and that it would take a little work to get it running. He indicated that it did not have spark and had his forklift mechanic looking into it. There was no budging on price but I decided to bring it home anyway. Here are a few pictures after getting it off of the trailer.
First thing was to find out the extent of the damage to the flywheel from the forklift mechanic's 2 jaw puller and to see why it did not have spark.
Had to machine a puller since I knew it wasn't coming off easily.
The flywheel didn't give up until I soaked the puller with heat from a propane torch and then it popped. The flywheel and ring gear were bent outward by .165 where the puller was positioned. All of the ignition components behind the flywheel looked brand new.
I then pulled the motor to find out it was not the 400cc 30HP Rockwell JLO the previous owner said it was.
In fact it was a monster 744cc LR760 rated between 45-55HP, the tag was hidden on the back side of the motor.
I was able to rig up a jig and slowly straighten the flywheel in the press and check it in the lathe on a taper shaft I turned out of an old Tucker bogey wheel axle. I stopped when it had a runout of .025.
I checked points, set the timing plate at the midpoint, gapped the plugs and put the flywheel back on to check for spark. Spinning the motor over by hand produced plenty of spark, that was a big relief.
Returned the motor back to where it came from and hooked up all of the electrical to crank it over with the starter. Sprayed a little 20-1 gas in the carb and cranked it over with a starter button but nothing fired. I then realized there was no key in the ignition and the mag must be grounded or in the off position. Pulled the 'M' wire off of the key switch and cranked again, this time it fired instantly. Could this be why the previous owner couldn't get spark? I have to think so since he didn't have a key.
Now that I know it is a runner I stripped it down to start a restore.
Stripped the rattle can green off of the body.
And steam cleaned the under carriage
Tracks are old and weather checked but think they have some life left in them. They are 15" wide with 2 rows of 60 drive lugs 3" on center for an overall length of 15'. Any one know if this is the same as the Cushman Trackster?