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skypup pilots/owners

Single seat ultralight.

that looks pretty neat. Thanks Larry.
When someone says ultra light I think of the open seat ones (no cockpit or enclosed area) ...and fabric for the wings.
Looks like fun for sure. So did you graduate from the one above to the first one you shared a pic of? Does it require a license to fly either of those planes?
Ultralights operate under FAR part 103. They do not require a license to operate. I flew them back in the 80s as a fun pass time.

I am a licensed private and instrument pilot. This allows me to legally be able to fly single engined, land based, non turbine airplanes up to 12,000# takeoff weight.

The airplane in my signature, a Kitfox model IV, is a "light sport" eligible aircraft which is a newer category that allows for a more limited license (cheaper). My license covers these requirements also. Light sport is speed limited to 120 knots and 1320# max takeoff weight (among other things).
I recently purchased a partialy completed vintage Skypup Ultralight and would like to correspond with anyone who has built one or flown one of these. Thanks Mywuged