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Ski The East! #1


Well-known member
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Not a great thing if you live here.

Traffic is brutal. I have to get to the supermarket at 7 AM if I don't want to be trampled by people with fur on thier boots.


Bronze Member
GOLD Site Supporter
You just need to buy your N.C. subway pass for the upcoming year. Heck, there's a stop only a half block from Hannaford's!


Active member
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Avalanche warnings on Mt.Washington already. I think as cold and windy as it is this week, the skier numbers will be way down. I have about 20" of snow in the front yard ,its looking like a real winter so far. Don
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Track Addict

Bronze Member
GOLD Site Supporter
Trailbuilder must have some of the nicest groomed trails in the state already this year.

Looking forward to cruising that system soon.


Active member
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They been working on them pretty steady, freezing in some of the wet spots. They had to cut a bunch of trees out of the trails from the windstorm we had here a month or so ago. Don

Track Addict

Bronze Member
GOLD Site Supporter
Secret must be out. Thought I was in a Boston commute headed up midday.

Tucker speed limit today I guess. Maybe we should go back to secret...


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