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Since tonight is the Big Game...


Hangin in Tornado Alley
I am really a Wildcat fan not the 'Hawks, but thought this was cute...

A Jayhawk Prayer

Our Father, who art in Lawrence,
Hallowed be thy Game.
Thy tourney come,
Thy championship will be done,
In San Antonio as it is in Allen Field House.

Give us this day our deserved victories.
And forgive us our turnovers,
As we forgive Roy who double-crossed against us.
And lead us not into defeat,
But deliver us from East Coast bias,

For Kansas is the basketball kingdom,
And the tradition,
And the glory,
For ever and ever.
^^^^^ KU Alum.

Rock Chalk Jayhawk!

Crap Dave and I was starting to like you.... My FIL is an Alum. and actually taught there at one point. My MIL has now taught our 5 y/o the song and waving the wheat. She would NOT go to sleep Sat night until the game was over...
Crap Dave and I was starting to like you.... My FIL is an Alum. and actually taught there at one point. My MIL has now taught our 5 y/o the song and waving the wheat. She would NOT go to sleep Sat night until the game was over...

I'd rather flunk out of KU than graduate from K State.
Holy Crap what a ball game! For the record, I DID pick a Kansas victory with all my friends yesterday... they had me wondering there for a while, but they pulled it off. No doubt the Big 12 is the best conference in the country.:thumb:
Holy Crap what a ball game! For the record, I DID pick a Kansas victory with all my friends yesterday... they had me wondering there for a while, but they pulled it off. No doubt the Big 12 is the best conference in the country.:thumb:

Apparently our Presidentress has something to say about this....:bonk::bonk::bonk:
Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Hillary says Memphis National Champ Despite KU Having More Points

In a move that's sure to be seen as controversial, Hillary has contacted the NCAA Board of Directors to argue that Memphis is actually better qualified to be National Champion.

Ms. Clinton stated that Memphis, while losing the game, had actually shown more ability to act like a National Champion on Day One. She argued that Memphis had passed every test during the game, including scoring more points than Kansas for 38 minutes. For 38 minutes they had shown the experience necessary to be National Champion. "Just because some team comes along in the last minute and scores more points than the other guy doesn't mean they're necessarily able to be National Champion on Day One."

Ms. Clinton further stated that Memphis should've won the game had Derrick Rose's second half three pointer been allowed to count. Instead, it was ruled a two after review by the officials. His foot was clearly inside the line. Memphis coach John Calipari said he would ask that the rule allowing monitor review of shots be changed after this season. Hillary said she seconded that, and pointed out had Memphis been allowed to count a three that wasn't really a three they would've won. "It doesn't matter what the rules of the game are before it starts. What matters is how we change the rules after the game so we can have the winner we want."

Kansas, for its part, had this to say to Hillary: "Barack Chalk Jayhawk!"

Congratulations Jayhawks! National Champions!
What a pile of shit. I hate sore losers and even more the people that enable sore losers. Is there a choke smile? They got outplayed and out-coached. The refs made the correct call after review. To say that the would have won had that stood is ridiculous. That one point would have affected every coaching decision Self and Calipari made through the rest of the game. It would have changed EVERY other outcome. Apparently she is not familiar with Big 12 sports in general...

Also... Why do political figures and Congress continuing to meddle in the wold of athletics? Why can't they do their JOBS and not worry about stuff that is none of their damn business?
What a pile of shit. I hate sore losers and even more the people that enable sore losers. Is there a choke smile? They got outplayed and out-coached. The refs made the correct call after review. To say that the would have won had that stood is ridiculous. That one point would have affected every coaching decision Self and Calipari made through the rest of the game. It would have changed EVERY other outcome. Apparently she is not familiar with Big 12 sports in general...

Also... Why do political figures and Congress continuing to meddle in the wold of athletics? Why can't they do their JOBS and not worry about stuff that is none of their damn business?

(pssst...It's satire.)
I had to get to post #14 with a picture before I knew you were talking about basketball.

I thought you were referring to a sporting event, not a gang-banger convention. :yum: