I am thinking it is a sympathetic reaction to the price of Gold.
There is a historical ratio between the two metals. And Gold it nearing $2K per Oz.. So at some time Silver has to react. Historically if you look at Silver prices, they have not held up it's end of the bargain very well. Not sure this will correct itself any time soon however..
Regards, Kirk
Silver has suddenly jumped to $26.14 per OZ up almost $2.00 since yesterday
Yes something is going on. Casinos are closed. So there you are. Better time your selling correct.
The huge financial institutions are driving this. They buy and buy and drive the price up, sucker in all the greedy little people and then dump their holding for a profit and watch the small investor crash and burn. Stay away!
The huge financial institutions are driving this. They buy and buy and drive the price up, sucker in all the greedy little people and then dump their holding for a profit and watch the small investor crash and burn. Stay away!
A long time ago I actually made money off gold. I never bought or owned the metal itself but I bought and sold shares in the gold mining companies. Their stock price was depended on the estimated amount and value of the gold in the ground much like an oil company's stock is dependent on their estimated oil reserves in the ground. When the price of gold went up tens of dollars, the gold company stock went up much, much more. You had to be careful when you bought in and when you got out and never, ever be greedy.
Let's just say that I would never do that today.
Oh, I just remembered that we do have 3 gold coins that my wife inherited. They're locked away in safe deposit box. Haven't seen them in years.
It's a pure gamble and the ability to "read" big money.
Metals do not get more rare or less rare. It has no assets, liabilities, good will. It's just a gamble based on feelings. Good luck with metals. If you bought at 19 and just sold for 29, good for you. If you didn't, then what?
I could always mold bullets for werewolf season if nothing else??
Minus 11% yesterday.
What financial event drove that huge drop, not including organized "investors".
Metals for us small guys is a pure gamble, not in any way related to balance sheets or any other financial sheet