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Should we send the Army after Mexican Drug Cartels?


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
Staff member
GOLD Site Supporter
Serious question, but we have 100,000 Americans die every year because of the Fentynol drug problem.

We know that China is behind the ingredient production.

But we also know that the Mexican Drug Cartels are the distribution network. We also know that the Mexican banking system is working with the cartels.

So why not send in Seal Team 6, or some other elite squads, and take out the top dozen guys in the top dozen drug cartels?

I'm sure American tourists in Mexico would become targets.

I'm also sure that Mexican gangs in the US would also retaliate here on our soil.

But we are losing 100,000 people a year to this problem and doing nothing about it. I think we had roughly 60,000 US soldiers killed in the entire Viet Nam war.

Starting with the Federal Dept of Justice, seems like we could work with the FBI and each of the States, to set up prosecution of any Mexican gang member who causes a problem on our soil. Coordinate that with surgical military strikes to take out the leadership and middle managers of these massive drug cartels. While simultaneously sanctioning the Mexican banks that are known to be supporting the drug trade.


Bronze Member
GOLD Site Supporter
My feelings are mixed on this.
We need to seal the border now to slow the movement.
then we need to be hard on the people coming in carrying it in and dealers but we are soft on crime.
As for going in to another country and policing their criminals I don't think we should send us soldiers unless they are requested by the government..
I think it has to be done hit them in the pocket book somehow.
I'm up for putting bounty on their heads and let capitalism handle it ?????
I don't want some other country coming in here to police us because we are doing some thing to their people..


Bronze Member
GOLD Site Supporter
Serious question, but we have 100,000 Americans die every year because of the Fentynol drug problem.

We know that China is behind the ingredient production.

But we also know that the Mexican Drug Cartels are the distribution network. We also know that the Mexican banking system is working with the cartels.

So why not send in Seal Team 6, or some other elite squads, and take out the top dozen guys in the top dozen drug cartels?

I'm sure American tourists in Mexico would become targets.

I'm also sure that Mexican gangs in the US would also retaliate here on our soil.

But we are losing 100,000 people a year to this problem and doing nothing about it. I think we had roughly 60,000 US soldiers killed in the entire Viet Nam war.

Starting with the Federal Dept of Justice, seems like we could work with the FBI and each of the States, to set up prosecution of any Mexican gang member who causes a problem on our soil. Coordinate that with surgical military strikes to take out the leadership and middle managers of these massive drug cartels. While simultaneously sanctioning the Mexican banks that are known to be supporting the drug trade.

Starting with the Federal Dept of Justice, seems like we could work with the FBI and each of the States, to set up prosecution of any Mexican gang member who causes a problem on our soil. Coordinate that with surgical military strikes to take out the leadership and middle managers of these massive drug cartels. While simultaneously sanctioning the Mexican banks that are known to be supporting the drug trade.

The DOJ is too busy trying to derail Trump, and the PTA parents that think the department of education is the ruler in schools, and ATF on the law abiding 2A citizens that are being MURDERED for selling a gun within the current laws, then making new rules to make all of us that might have guns a dealer if we sell one and make a profit.
So how could they make time to do the right thing without oatmeal for brains (I love that name bongino made for him) that's in charge of them telling them to do it?


Bronze Member
GOLD Site Supporter
China and I think Thailand have almost zero drug abuse. Dealers get executed immediately out back of the courthouse.
Im totally in favor of this with an exception 1st strike do your time, 2nd strike do your time, 3rd strike and you get publicly hanged in the hood right after judgment of guilty!


Active member
I am more inclined to removing the second strike. We lose far too many youth to first time users. You get one chance like the lost did.


Bottoms Up
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GOLD Site Supporter
Taiwan is not putting up with drug smugglers ....

Mother, 57, faces execution by a gunshot to the heart in Taiwan for drug smuggling - but blames her ex-husband after 15lb of cocaine and heroin is found in her suitcase​

  • Debbie Voulgaris, 57, was arrested at Taoyuan International Airport in December
  • She faces the death penalty under Taiwan's strict drug trafficking laws

PUBLISHED: 07:21 EDT, 23 May 2024 | UPDATED: 08:21 EDT, 23 May 2024

An Australian mother of five is facing the death penalty in Taiwan after she was allegedly caught with a stash of cocaine hidden in her suitcase.

Debbie Voulgaris, 57, was arrested at Taoyuan International Airport in December after the drugs were allegedly found in black plastic bags inside her luggage.

Taiwanese police allege she was carrying 15lbs of the drug, which - they say - she initially 'vehemently denied' having any knowledge of.

She later claimed her ex-husband John was behind the scheme, police say.

Ms Voulgaris's lawyer Leon Huang said it was 'essential' her ex took the stand as he was the only person who could confirm her claims.

Under Taiwan's strict legal system, capital punishment remains legal - despite repeal attempts. The death penalty can be imposed for a long list of crimes, including murder, treason, terrorism, extreme cases of rape and robbery, and drug trafficking.

Although Taiwan has studied other methods of execution, such as the lethal injection, executions are today carried out by shootings using a handgun.

Condemned prisoners are sedated and put face down on a mattress and shot three times through the heart. If the prisoner has opted to donate their internal organs, then they are instead executed by a single bullet to the back of the head.

Even if she is not handed the death penalty, the mother is facing minimum of five years behind bars, but could also be looking at life in prison.

Debbie Voulgaris could face the death penalty in Taiwan

more: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/ar...-ex-husband-15lb-cocaine-heroin-suitcase.html


Proudly Deplorable
GOLD Site Supporter
My feelings are mixed on this.
We need to seal the border now to slow the movement.
then we need to be hard on the people coming in carrying it in and dealers but we are soft on crime.
As for going in to another country and policing their criminals I don't think we should send us soldiers unless they are requested by the government..
I think it has to be done hit them in the pocket book somehow.
I'm up for putting bounty on their heads and let capitalism handle it ?????
I don't want some other country coming in here to police us because we are doing some thing to their people..
We have tried these ideas without success. likely because we did not follow through as support them to see them succeed.
We are at the point of having to perhaps deal with Cartel leaders via Special Forces. Organized and trained to go in and assassinate or capture the cartel leadership.
Getting cooperation from the Mexican government, unlikely. They are as corrupt as ours. However, they might consider letting us do the dirty work.

Not full military assaults. That would be a clear act of war.

BTW, sealing the border is not an option. It is a Constitutional DUTY.
I think we should send ex convicts and felons in USA along with bounty hunters after the Mexican cartels in exchange for getting rid of the criminal record for ex cons and felons. Vigilante justice is better.


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
Staff member
GOLD Site Supporter
So just for those of us who look at international news.

Mexico has a new socialist President. She takes over for the old socialist President. In fact she is his hand picked successor and she legitimately won in a massive landslide.

She is now the leader of the MORENA political party. The MORENA party has ties to the Sinaloa Drug Cartel. That is no secret.

ONE day after she was elected, the new female mayor of an opposing party was murdered by suspected drug cartel members. She was hit with 19 bullets from a moving vehicle. Monday evening, Mayor Yolanda Sanchez arrived at a local gym with her security detail when a group of gunmen fired at them. Sanchez was a member of the National Action Party (PAN), an opposition group to Mexico’s MORENA ruling party.

Coincidence? Maybe? Probably not!