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Senator Obama calls Bush "unpatriotic" for adding trillions to debt


Gone But Not Forgotten
I thought the last time around it was going to be the last time. So the can again was just kicked down the road by the current President.


Wait for it.
GOLD Site Supporter
I believe I heard somewhere that this one of those times when he was campaigning, and whatever he said while campaigning isn't supposed to be held against him. Or something like that.... :whistling:
That does kind of ring a bell now that you mention it, as the kids say today "my bad". :whistling:


Wait for it.
GOLD Site Supporter
I thought the last time around it was going to be the last time. So the can again was just kicked down the road by the current President.
Well considering he sucks at golf even with all the practice, kicking the can is the only think he knows how to do well, other then playing the blame game. THAT he has mastered. :doh:


New member
GOLD Site Supporter
Perhaps you should listen carefully to this guys comments.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N6I9nXPh66w"]Reagan-Mondale debate: closing statements - YouTube[/ame]


The Old Salt
SUPER Site Supporter
Perhaps you should listen carefully to this guys comments.

Reagan-Mondale debate: closing statements - YouTube

Still admire the man after all these years. I consider him the greatest president of my lifetime and among the 5 best of all time.

Now, I am not sure of the reason you posted that other than to bring a tear to my eye of regret for what we have lost. :biggrin:

Two key questions Reagan asked:

Are we better off than 4 years ago? In today's situation NO!!
Should we have 4 more years to continue? In today's situation NO!!


New member
GOLD Site Supporter
Still admire the man after all these years. I consider him the greatest president of my lifetime and among the 5 best of all time.

Now, I am not sure of the reason you posted that other than to bring a tear to my eye of regret for what we have lost. :biggrin:

Two key questions Reagan asked:

Are we better off than 4 years ago? In today's situation NO!!
Should we have 4 more years to continue? In today's situation NO!!

But he is also still blaming a 1 term president for all of our problems. He also still had major problems at that time too. As for his greatness that is also a bit of personal opinion, not one I share but not for his handling of his first term. His second term he was lucky no one believed he had a clue or he might of been impeached of Iran Contra affair. I voted for him the first time also as I wasn't impressed with Carter either however his problems came from previous decisions made also.


Proudly Deplorable
GOLD Site Supporter
But he is also still blaming a 1 term president for all of our problems. He also still had major problems at that time too. As for his greatness that is also a bit of personal opinion, not one I share but not for his handling of his first term. His second term he was lucky no one believed he had a clue or he might of been impeached of Iran Contra affair. I voted for him the first time also as I wasn't impressed with Carter either however his problems came from previous decisions made also.

Oh that's cool Joec. Let us give Obama,a one term president, another term to see if his grasp of reality improves.

I would suggest his grasp of something would improve, but I doubt the nation would be better for it.

GWB was President for 8 years, 6 of which were propserous despite the recession that he inherited. And despite 9/11 and . It's time to stop blaming the other guy. It is clear Barry is good at runing the politicians and Washington. But, as for running the Country, he simply isn't up to the task.

Neither was Carter. But Carter also had the disadvatage of a Democratic congress. So there wasn't a concise direction or leadershipt from the capitol or 1600 Pennsyvaina Ave. Instead they spent four years blaming Nixon and Ford.

President Reagan had the same congress with which to wrestle and when he entered the 1984 campaign, although things were still not good, the direction was unilateraly up. The Economy was up, Employment was up, Government revenues were up, people's spirits were up.
Unlike the current President (and Mr Carter),who continually tells us what is wrong with America and promises to fix it if we just let him do it, Reagan made us proud of what was right with America and cheered us on with encouragement and ideas on how we could achieve greatness.

As I recall, we did. For some 16 to 20 years.

BTW, I do not recall any significant policy statement, initiative or promise made by Reagan, that we did not in some way acheive.

To suggest that a scolding by Obama, as a candidate, for laying the burden of debt on our nation and our children is admissable and excussable rhetoric when he himself must make the same hard choices, is somehow OK, is silly and dishonest. It makes a mockery the term integrity. He has not kept faith with his words. And that makes him a liar. To believe otherwise makes his supporters, a pack of fools or, themselves liars.

Pick one.

The man who said we should not borrow in order to get elected, has now insisted whilehe has that choice, that we do so some 5 times. What he blamed GWB for doing, spending us into debt, he now insists we must do and at levels beyond comprehension. And uses as his argument, that he must do so because the other guy did it.

Hardly logical.
Hardly fiscaly sound.
But, politcaly useful.

And I would imagine, he will manage to once again, get it done.:hammer:

And our Generation, the leading edge of the baby Boomers, along with our parents, will want our medicare, our Obamacare, our Social security checks and our pensions to continue. So,selfishly, we will support that effort? Yes! in droves.

God help our children.


Wait for it.
GOLD Site Supporter
Perhaps you should listen carefully to this guys comments.

Reagan-Mondale debate: closing statements - YouTube
What you couldn't find a youtube for President Lincoln? I am sure he made lots of mistakes too Joe, but they are both dead.

Quit bringing up the past please, we have no control over changing that, and if something does not change soon the future has a very questionable outlook as well. I know we differ in opinions and thats expected but you jump to defend Obama everytime I post something, he has taken far more control of the things that have happened then you give him credit for, alltough its not entirelly his fault he took the job on saying he could fix it.


New member
GOLD Site Supporter
I will Cowboy since most of you are for the moment only people around here. You know like the kids today if I can't get it inside of 30 seconds they lose interests. I'm sorry to waste your time since it seems so important to you.


Wait for it.
GOLD Site Supporter
I will Cowboy since most of you are for the moment only people around here. You know like the kids today if I can't get it inside of 30 seconds they lose interests. I'm sorry to waste your time since it seems so important to you.
Joe I enjoy your input and respect your opinion like many others here , it just gets tiring sometimes when you defend the annointed one at every turn no matter WTF he does. It just dont make sense to me is all, I sure as hell dont want you to agree with me if you also feel strongly about something, but he has said himself many times the buck stops with him. At least he is starting to realize he aint near as smart as he told everyone he was, and he continually proves it daily. :doh:

Hell if we all agreed all the time on what the causes of our problems are the world would be a better place, but sadly sometimes we act no differently then those we continue to blame, myself included. :flowers:


New member
GOLD Site Supporter
OK I will make you all happy then as not defend the truth when it is so obvious if one simply looks. So you all feel free to agree with every statement made right or wrong as long as it doesn't differ from yours.