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Senator Kennedy-Brain Tumor

after all these years I was convinced that he didnt have a brain. He kept it a well guarded secret.
I'll be nice and just say that hopefully he lives, but is unable to perform his duties as a senator (not that I think he ever has actually performed any respectable actions in the senate) and the brain dead people of MA actually get someone else to represent them.
Not meaning to seem cruel and insensitive but I'm surprise the tumor could find the darned thing.

This is a really tough audience, isn't it? We don't take many prisoners!!!
seems like an oxymoron to use the word brain and Ted Kennedy in the same sentence.
My wife had not heard the story. We started talking about it at dinner. Our daughter asked who he was and before I could think of a nice way to say something my wife, who is usually pretty PC in front of our daughter blurted out that he is a murderer who cheated on his wife and who has worked to destroy our country. Only she was more blunt than that! When my liberal leaning sister-in-law decided to counter my wife's opinion, the lovely Mrs_B shut her down with a whole tirade against Kennedy. I sat in stunned amusement. My daughter got a good civics lesson last night.
My wife had not heard the story. We started talking about it at dinner. Our daughter asked who he was and before I could think of a nice way to say something my wife, who is usually pretty PC in front of our daughter blurted out that he is a murderer who cheated on his wife and who has worked to destroy our country. Only she was more blunt than that! When my liberal leaning sister-in-law decided to counter my wife's opinion, the lovely Mrs_B shut her down with a whole tirade against Kennedy. I sat in stunned amusement. My daughter got a good civics lesson last night.
:respect: For the lovely Mrs_B :flowers:
My wife had not heard the story. We started talking about it at dinner. Our daughter asked who he was and before I could think of a nice way to say something my wife, who is usually pretty PC in front of our daughter blurted out that he is a murderer who cheated on his wife and who has worked to destroy our country. Only she was more blunt than that! When my liberal leaning sister-in-law decided to counter my wife's opinion, the lovely Mrs_B shut her down with a whole tirade against Kennedy. I sat in stunned amusement. My daughter got a good civics lesson last night.

Bob, I never knew he was ever found guilty of murder!
These are facts, not opinions.

  1. He was drunk (surprise).
  2. He drove into the river.
  3. He did nothing to help the girl in the car.
  4. He walked home and went to bed
  5. The authorities were not notified until the next day.
That make him a at least a criminal if not an outright murderer in my book.

His older brothers made sure it all went away. No trouble allowed for the little brother, you know.

Family, you know. Started with the first generation. Daddy Joe was a gangster and rum runner in the 30's, that's where the family fortune came from.
If I hear one more person gush over "what a great man he is..." I'm going to :sick:

Kennedy Voting Record: said:
 Ted Kennedy was a strong supporter of the 1965 Hart-Celler Act — signed into law by President Lyndon B. Johnson — which dramatically changed US immigration policy. This legislation replaced the Immigration Act of 1924, which favored immigrants from northern and western Europe. Proponents of the 1965 bill argued that immigration laws and quotas were discriminatory, and that American immigration policy should accept people not on the basis of their nationality.
 Ted Kennedy has been a staunch supporter of gun control initiatives. In 2006 he was one of the 16 senators who voted against the Vitter Amendment, which prohibited the confiscation of legally-possessed firearms during a disaster.
 Ted Kennedy has …opposed additional Alaska oil drilling. However, he opposes the Cape Wind wind turbine project which would occur near his home.
 Kennedy is one of only five senators who have publicly announced support for same-sex marriage.
 He voted against the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act. Wikipedia.com
 In 2004, Senator Kennedy cosponsored a bipartisan amendment to strengthen the ability of federal, state, and local governments to investigate and prosecute hate crimes.
 Senator Kennedy introduced legislation to prohibit employment discrimination based on sexual orientation.
 To help in the fight against AIDS, Senator Kennedy cosponsored an amendment to provide additional funding for prevention and treatment activities in Africa. TedKennedy.com
 Voted NO on recommending constitutional ban on flag desecration. (Jun 2006)
 Voted NO on constitutional ban of same-sex marriage. (Jun 2006)
 Voted YES on adding sexual orientation to definition of hate crimes. (Jun 2002)
 Voted YES on loosening restrictions on cell phone wiretapping. (Oct 2001)
 Voted YES on expanding hate crimes to include sexual orientation. (Jun 2000)
 Voted YES on setting aside 10% of highway funds for minorities & women. (Mar 1998)
 Voted YES on prohibiting job discrimination by sexual orientation. (Sep 1996)
 Voted NO on Amendment to prohibit flag burning. (Dec 1995)
 Voted NO on banning affirmative action hiring with federal funds. (Jul 1995)
 Voted NO on declaring English the official language of the US government. (Jun 2007)
 Voted YES on allowing illegals to participate in Social Security.(May 2006) ontheissues.org

Let's set the record straight, huh? He is/was an uber-liberal with a socialist agenda.

My wife had not heard the story. We started talking about it at dinner. Our daughter asked who he was and before I could think of a nice way to say something my wife, who is usually pretty PC in front of our daughter blurted out that he is a murderer who cheated on his wife and who has worked to destroy our country. Only she was more blunt than that! When my liberal leaning sister-in-law decided to counter my wife's opinion, the lovely Mrs_B shut her down with a whole tirade against Kennedy. I sat in stunned amusement. My daughter got a good civics lesson last night.

I find it strange how you vehemently defend the 2nd amendment but you seem to have disregard for "presumption of innocents" which I assume is written into your constitution.

It intrigues me the difference between attitudes here on FF regarding Edward Kennedy and how others In the USA see him. From the little I have read he seems to have served his constituents rather well, He has obviously been re-elected many times.

Sorry I don't understand such hatred. This hatred seems to go way beyond a simple dislike of his political persuasion.


Kennedy illness robs Senate of dealmaker


Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass., center, is joined by his daughter Kara Kennedy, center left, and and son Rep.Patrick Kennedy, D-R.I., right, and unidentified well-wishers, as he is released from Massachusetts General Hospital, in Boston,Wednesday, May 21 2008. Sen. Kennedy was diagnosed at the hospital with a malignant brain tumor. (AP Photo/Josh Reynolds) (Josh Reynolds - AP)

The Associated Press
Thursday, May 22, 2008; 5:16 AM

WASHINGTON -- Sen. Edward Kennedy's diagnosis of a malignant brain tumor has left Congress without its best dealmaker and boldest liberal, a politician known for his staunch positions and willingness to work with right-wing lawmakers.
The Senate opened debate on paying for another year of the Iraq war without the Massachusetts Democrat's customary roar of outrage. Just as evident was his absence when President Bush on Wednesday signed a measure that Kennedy forged with Republicans to protect people from losing their jobs or health insurance because their genes say they are prone to future illness.
Whenever there was a deal to be made on important legislation, the scion of the famed political family was somewhere nearby despite his reputation as one of the Senate's last liberal lions.
That willingness to buck his own party and cut deals means that Kennedy has left his mark on health care, civil rights, welfare, housing, education, foreign affairs and other issues.
"He has crossed the aisle and sponsored so many legislative enactments," said Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Pa.
Conservative Sen. Pat Roberts, R-Kan., added: "Although it is no surprise there are areas where we have a difference of opinion, there are also many areas where we worked together, particularly on child-care and disability issues."

In a climate that values party loyalty and making political points more than making laws, there is a dearth of potential stand-ins.
Sen. John McCain, the likely GOP presidential nominee, is perhaps the closest. But his alliances with Democrats on campaign finance, immigration, torture and other issues has tested the patience of his party's conservative base.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., reached out and negotiated a $168 billion plan of tax rebates and other measure with Bush this year. Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass., has put together bipartisan coalitions for advancing measures to save hundreds of thousands of strapped homeowners from foreclosures and secure civil rights for homosexuals.
Republican Sen. Lindsay Graham of South Carolina has cut deals with Democrats on getting conservative judges confirmed, banning torture in interrogating suspected terrorists, getting tougher with China on trade and expanding health care for members of the National Guard and Reserves.
But none has the reputation and record that Kennedy has in assembling coalitions and keeping them together.
In 1973, after the Watergate scandal, Kennedy co-sponsored the first bipartisan campaign finance bill. It established new contribution limits and a public financing provision for presidential elections.

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It intrigues me the difference between attitudes here on FF regarding Edward Kennedy and how others In the USA see him. From the little I have read he seems to have served his constituents rather well, He has obviously been re-elected many times.

He is re-elected because he is a Kennedy and part of a political dynasty. Any potential rivals are squashed quickly before any of them can get anywhere.

Your only views on "normal" Americans seem to come from our horribly, liberal biased news media, which is a terrible representation of the people. That's like saying all people from Auz or New Zealand must be like Crocodile Dundee or Mad Max. That would be unfair to you, don't you think?

The attitudes here on FF are far more representative of the people who are the backbone of America.
The attitudes here on FF are far more representative of the people who are the backbone of America.
I challenge you to run a poll on FF to prove your point, if you ran a poll on FF regarding members political stance, the democrats would hardly rate, that would be my tip.
Vin, I'm actually registered as an independent. True, I do obviously lean more towards the right than the left, but I keep my options open. I'm not voting for someone just because of their party affiliation. Having said that, Ted Kennedy has been universally known here as a buffoon, an idiot drunkard, and a total embarrassment for the people of MA. Even my most liberal friends view him as a total embarrassment for the Democrat party and a drunken womanizer who got elected due to his family. If you look up what member of congress grabs the most 'earmarks' (taking taxpayers money for bogus pet projects), Kennedy usually leads the entire bunch.

Basically the fools in MA keep voting the moron in because he grabs more money for them for bogus reasons than any elected official. Which, if you think about it, is really not anything to brag about. He completely disregards calls to end corruption in politics and is not good for the people of this country. This is besides all of the pathetic votes he's cast on issues. Plain and simple, he is an example of American politics at it's worst. He's always been the spoiled rich kid who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and has always viewed himself as being on a different level than his constituents. He doesn't feel that he needs to play by the same rules nor has he ever. He has proven over and over again that the general population in his area are simply uneducated fools.
I challenge you to run a poll on FF to prove your point, if you ran a poll on FF regarding members political stance, the democrats would hardly rate, that would be my tip.

What is wrong with that, most people here work for a living and have a lot of common sense...
I challenge you to run a poll on FF to prove your point, if you ran a poll on FF regarding members political stance, the democrats would hardly rate, that would be my tip.

Vin, I think there would be a lot of people like myself who refuse to classify themselves into either category. There are times when I look at what the last 7 years of a Republican presidency has been like and I just grind my teeth in frustration at the lack of progress our society has made. On the other hand, most of what the Democrats spout off about simply makes my skin crawl.

My problem is that I consider myself to be socially liberal, but the current label and perspective of a liberal is not what I am. I would call myself liberal in the aspect of the "liberties" that I expect and enjoy, and yet I am not expecting a handout from society because I work my ass off and have pretty much put my ass on the line for everything I do, so what I have has been earned and not given to me. I believe in the liberal freedom of personal choice, but firmly support the conservative preservation of my rights and freedoms. I'm not even slightly religious, but I consider myself the be very moral.

So you see, the problem is that many Americans are facing an identity crisis when it comes to their political standing. Both of our parties are so completely screwed up that we don't fit into either one, but for some reason everyone insists that we must make an either-or decision and declare our allegiance to one party or the other.
Vin, I think there would be a lot of people like myself who refuse to classify themselves into either category. There are times when I look at what the last 7 years of a Republican presidency has been like and I just grind my teeth in frustration at the lack of progress our society has made. On the other hand, most of what the Democrats spout off about simply makes my skin crawl.

My problem is that I consider myself to be socially liberal, but the current label and perspective of a liberal is not what I am. I would call myself liberal in the aspect of the "liberties" that I expect and enjoy, and yet I am not expecting a handout from society because I work my ass off and have pretty much put my ass on the line for everything I do, so what I have has been earned and not given to me. I believe in the liberal freedom of personal choice, but firmly support the conservative preservation of my rights and freedoms. I'm not even slightly religious, but I consider myself the be very moral.

So you see, the problem is that many Americans are facing an identity crisis when it comes to their political standing. Both of our parties are so completely screwed up that we don't fit into either one, but for some reason everyone insists that we must make an either-or decision and declare our allegiance to one party or the other.

OMFG!! :shock:You're scaring the crap out of me! :4_11_9:Stop it!!:evil: Do you have ESP or read minds?? When we were first attaked on 9/11, I was 100% behind Bush. I was even behind him initially in his Iraq decision and felt the Dems were against it because the money spent in Iraq was money they could not use to cretae more social programs to buy votes with. I still feel the same way about the Dems, but have done a 180 on Bush. And to be fair, yes, the Dems voted in support of the invasion of Iraq.

I'll be voting for someone other than McCain, who is basically and even more liberal Bush and Obama, who is what he is, but probably will be no worse than Bush, and might even be a little better. Yes, I'm dissillusioned and will be casting all my votes for "none of the above" this election.
He is re-elected because he is a Kennedy and part of a political dynasty. Any potential rivals are squashed quickly before any of them can get anywhere.

Your only views on "normal" Americans seem to come from our horribly, liberal biased news media, which is a terrible representation of the people. That's like saying all people from Auz or New Zealand must be like Crocodile Dundee or Mad Max. That would be unfair to you, don't you think?

The attitudes here on FF are far more representative of the people who are the backbone of America.

Dave, I fully appreciate your comment but lets put my comment in perspective. I was replying to the above post, the highlighted comment in that post is a nonsenses, the greater percentage of members here on FF lean towards the republican party or at least to the right as opposed to the left.

Back to the topic,

Kennedy has never been charged with murder, FACT.

He did not need to give his time to serve your country.
As many here have stated that Kennedy was was born a little rich boy (or similar comments) If that is the case, does he not even deserve more respect, he could have chosen to take life easy.
He has given more of his time and effort to your nation than dare I say most on this forum, yet you treat him with disdain, shame on you.
Kennedy has never been charged with murder, FACT.

As a former police officer, had you done the same thing, I would have bet the farm you would have been charged, convicted and spent some time in the Heartbreak Hotel, as well as any other "Average Joe".

Old "Ted" wasn't "Average"
Howdy Dong,
He got to be a politician because he is a Kennedy and has stayed there because of the family money. He has the intelligence of a Texas blow fly on a cow pie. He has used the Kennedy money to cover up his killing that young lady and to keep all competition defeated. Take away the Kennedy money and you will have a group of useless buffoons!!!! Just because you havent watched that clan come into power doesnt make them worthy of any accolades. They are a leech on the aorta of America!! Now have a goodun!!!!
He has given more of his time and effort to your nation than dare I say most on this forum, yet you treat him with disdain, shame on you.

If you think those in POWER are looking out for the best interest of this country, you are highly mistaken. If they indeed cared, they would take the advice of Ron Paul, rather than call him a kook.