Seeing my doctor again, pinched nerve in my lower back and it started 3 years ago. I was working on a customer's car pulling on a wrench one day and suddenly tingling and a sharp pain in my lower back started. Sat down and called my doctor's office which was the smart thing to do on my part. I was lucky to get in that day and found out I had a pinched nerve in my back. Knew I did not want the surgery yet and they had me see a chiropractor which did help not needing the surgery. Trying to void the surgery hearing the horror stories of nothing going right after the surgery. 18 years of wrenching putting a toll on me and having this and I am not 28 years old anymore. My doctor understands this well, she does know I work on vehicles, semi trucks and heavy equipment.. Hopefully her having me see a chiropractor. Going to ask her about the Teeter back machine as well before I order one