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Saving web pages?


The Eccentric Englishman
Is there any way I can save pages to my hard drive, so I could save them to say a CD as backup?
I want to save everything, text, pictures, background colour.
How about if I save the HTML code, or can I save it as a normal site that I can view using IE when offline?

And dont worry, I'm not doing anything funny, they are my pages I want to save.
Assuming you are on Windows and using IE you can save most pages using the File -> Save menu and then selecting the "Web Archive Single file" option or the "Web Page - Complete" option.

With Firefox you can do the same but there is only "Web Page Complete".

The Web Page complete options will save all the graphics, style sheets, and supporting stuff to folder that is usually named the same as the HTML file that is saved.

This works most of the time but some dynamic content is not saved properly.

There are programs out there that will "crawl" a web site and save X number of levels to a folder structure for offline viewing.

Adobe Acrobat (not free) has the ability to crawl web sites and create PDF files from them.

On the Mac you can save pages directly to a PDF.

These are just a few options.
I have adobe acrobat Pro, how do I make it save to PDF?

I usually use FF, but could use IE to save the files like you suggest

To save it as a PDF can't you just select "Print" and then choose the "Save as a PDF" option?


  • Picture 6.jpg
    Picture 6.jpg
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Mith said:
I usually use FF, but could use IE to save the files like you suggest
That's a new one on me Jim.:confused2:

FF (forumsforums) can save the things you want to save. Cool.:yankchain:
Adobe does a great job. The problem I am having though, is my site is 4.1MB, and my hourly bandwidth is 4.2MB.
Seeming as about 1/2 of the hourly bandwidth is used by visitors I gotta find a time when I can download the whole site in one go.
Early tomorrow morning maybe.....

Thanks guys.

BTW, Bob, I was talking to a Mac guy today, telling me how great his Mac was. Funny thing was, every single feature he showed me I had something equivalent on my PC. Thought of you and your Mac while he was getting more and more frustrated :D
Mith said:
BTW, Bob, I was talking to a Mac guy today, telling me how great his Mac was. Funny thing was, every single feature he showed me I had something equivalent on my PC.
Mith what I have found is that Macs and PCs do the same thing, have the same features, but tend to do them differently.

When I switched to Mac I was told by the PC folks that I would not be able to do all sorts of things. I've not found that to be true. What I have found as a real advantage is ease of use, ease of connectivity, and stability. But as far as what they can do, they can do the same things. Some things are just easier. When I posted the screen shot above, I just presumed you had a similar feature on your computer. Perhaps not identical, but similar.

As for Macs being easier to use, as an example, recently my Vice President took a Windows laptop on a business trip and could not connect up to the wireless network in the hotel, yet I've never had a problem connecting my Apple. I simply open it up and it connects. On a previous trip with my sales manager he and I were in the same hotel and he had to reconfigure his laptop to connect up to the hotel's WiFi system, again, I just opened my laptop and was automatically connected.
Bob, I have no problem with saying that there were some real nice features on his laptop. He had a thing whereby by putting 2 fingers on the pad and moving them, it scrolled the window instead of moving the mouse. As far as I know, PC laptops dont do this.

2 reasons I choose PC, 1 being that windows is standard on most machines, so my work can be easily moved about, and all my PC stuff connects up easily, and 2 being PRICE!
If your just looking for a backup of your site I would do it incrementally. Get all your html files. Then get your image files as many as your bandwidth will allow, then next hour get whats left. Store them in the same file stucture as you do on your web site (in other words if you have a main dir, and an images dir under it, make the same thing on your pc). Then back it all up to a CD.
Normally you had to upload all these files to start with, so chances are you already have a backup of your stuff, maybe it's just not all in the same spot on your pc.
Doc, I've got all the pics on the HD, just the text and look I want to save. The Adobe just saves the whole lot, pics, text, and everything.
I'll get the HTML too then.

Hopefully I wont need a backup, but if it gets dumped, I would rather not lose it all.

BTW, the site is still unavailable, it gets to 96% used, then immediately jumps to 103% again.


  • site.JPG
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For the html files you can view the web page and select view/source. Save that source to the same name as whatever it's called on your website. You'll have the code and the 'look' saved. Just do that with all your web pages.
For best practice I would keep each file seperate, rather than make them all one text doc.
Maybe that is what you meant .....
Mith, that's horrible!!!! Is it a free web hosting site?

Didnt think it'd be worth paying for web space. Way more popular than I expected.
Doc, for the first one I have to make infomative posts on their forum, and I dont know much about web stuff. Also, if you go on holiday they dump your site. You gotta earn credit by posting on their forum to keep your website up.

The second link doesnt work.

I honestly dont know what I am doing on this, I like the fact that I dont have to do anything for geo, just update the site.

I might try making another geo site, and put 1/2 my pages on that one, so that the bandwidth is shared accross the 2 sites.
Mith said:
I honestly dont know what I am doing on this, I like the fact that I dont have to do anything for geo, just update the site.

I might try making another geo site, and put 1/2 my pages on that one, so that the bandwidth is shared accross the 2 sites.

Sorry Mith. I did not have time to check out the links, I only saw them posted on an admin forum.

Sounds like Geo is a good fit for you. Splitting the sites sounds like a good idea. :thumb:

Good luck with it.
Mith said:
I have adobe acrobat Pro, how do I make it save to PDF?

I usually use FF, but could use IE to save the files like you suggest



File Menu -> Create PDF File -> From Web Page

It would not be my preference for archiving a web site though since you would have to recreate everything from scratch later. You'd have the content but you'd have to recreate all the HTML etc.

I'd look at what Jim Slagle recommended.

<rant content="anti-Mac" purpose="none">

Screw the Mac crap. It's an over priced POS. That thing with the track pad is called "gesturing". It's available on windows if you "must" have it. There are lots of options on Windows machines - you don't have to buy the overpriced Apple stuff and all the associated Apple crap that they try to force on you.

Why does my Mac insist on updating my iTunes and iPhoto when I never use them? Yes, I know I can turn that off. It's just the whole Apple-cult thing that annoys me.

BTW. I've been using Apple computers since the Apple II - I'm not new to them. I have a G4 next to me and will probably buy an Intel one next year once the bugs are a little more worked out.

Really, neither platform is "better" than the other. They each have their merits and their pitfalls. Go with whatever makes you happy.
