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Santa has it all wrong

MNoutdoors RIP

Gone But Not Forgotten
GOLD Site Supporter
What's it mean when he leaves you two snow shovels and a a ice scraper?
Either it's going to be a long winter or Al Gore was wrong on the global warming
Idea :yum:


awful member
GOLD Site Supporter
I believe there is another item under my tree for you also. It is big and yellow, with black stripes. (No its not big als undys)have a merry Christmas. See ya in a few days.


Gone But Not Forgotten
GOLD Site Supporter
Santa blew in too fast and drug all this arctic air with him. -2 this morning was a bit much. Feel bad for all the linemen working to restore power after the ice storm. Our local utilities have a lot of crews working in Maine and NH and crews from as far south as Georgia are also helping. Folks are celebrating Christmas at any place that has power and heat.