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Safari slow down


Well-known member
I know there's a couple of Mac users here...... Is Safari slowing down for you ?

I found a couple of places that say to get rid of the "bookmark icons" but i can't figure out how to do that ?

Any other suggestions ?

I have switched to Firefox 'cause I just couldn't stand it anymore but I prefer Safari.

Thanks in advance
I don't use Safari very often but looking at my system here is what you could try:

1. Quit Safari
2. Move the following files, folders and sub-folders somewhere that you will know where they are.


3. Re-start Safari and see if that sped things up.

You may loose your bookmarks by doing this but you can see if it speeds things up.

You can also try the "Reset Safari" option and "Empty Cache" option under the "Safari" pull-down menu. You may want to try these first but I'm not sure exactly what the consequences of these are.

I would recommend getting used to Firefox - it is a better browser.

Just a secondary reminder! All of the things I recommended may result in the loss of bookmarks, favorites or other settings that you have saved.

If you don't want to loose anything then don't do the stuff I recommended!
I would have to agree with PB. The other thing you may want to double check is to make sure you have the most recent version of Safari. I have both Safari and Firefox on my system, Firefox being the 'default' browser. I do like some of the Safari features that are not on Firefox, but overall, I have gotten used to Firefox and like it better than Safari.
Thanks for the replies.
I've emptied and reset the caches/Safari and history etc more than once lately. Found the icon things and put them in a folder and locked them....didn't help much. Trashed alot of bookmarks.

I'll work on PB's suggestion. Maybe I can copy my bookmarks somewhere.

Firefox doesn't work right at a very often used page-change button. I just don't like it as much as Safari.
Bookmarks on windows systems are actually kept in a folder. Sure makes them easier to copy and move about. Maybe Apple's OS is similiar.
Ya..I've tried the Apple forums. Most posts are 2 years old on this topic . I've put the updates in ??

Tried PB's idea...not a bookmark in sight :pat: :yum:

I put all the stuff in a folder so now I'll see if I can open it again or if my 2 pages of snowcat bookmarks are history :smileywac

Safari does seem a little faster now but it does some serious jumping around getting to "first unread post"

I don't believe the battle is over yet.
The bookmarks are stored in a "plist" file. These are XML based and I won't recommend editing them unless you are comfortable with XML.

If you moved them out and Safari appears to run faster then you at least know what is the problem. You could copy the Bookmarks.plist file back to it's original location and then try deleting a bunch of bookmarks. Perhaps you just have too many bookmarks and there is some flaw in Safari that causes it to slow down when there are too many bookmarks.

I'd check around on the Apple Support forums or do some googling. Usually these things are pretty common.

pixie said:
Safari does seem a little faster now but it does some serious jumping around getting to "first unread post"
Is Safari slow across the board or just looking for "first unread post".

Regardless of the browser I use, finding the "first unread post" is always more time consuming (and I don't use it anymore).

I just click on the thread and scroll down to the first unread post (where the little box is gold as opposed to blue which is already read).

I also have the newest post first option on so as soon as I click on the thread, I'm already in the area of the newest posts.


You should make sure you have all the latest updates. Have you run the "Software Update" program from your Finder's Apple menu?

If you simply "moved" the stuff out of the folder then you can just put it back in order to get your bookmarks back. You may have to delete any files that were created in the interim. Make sure you "unlock" anything that you put back to it's original location so that Safari can modify it.

I moved the "plist" file back in and the speed is still good.

Yup...guess I just won't use 'first unread' anymore. Other page changes had been slow, also. I have all the updates and have Googled for "safari slowing down" without getting any new info.

Safari's initial startup after a restart takes about a minute....didn't take that long when the computer was new.

Guess I can live with it now.

This has been very educational. I'm not all that handy with computers but I don't seem to have wrecked anything today....yet :yum:

Thanks :tiphat:
pixie said:
Safari's initial startup after a restart takes about a minute....didn't take that long when the computer was new.

This is common. Daily usage of your computer loads it up with "crud". It also fragments the hard drive and causes all sorts of things that slow it down.

If you really want that "new computer" experience without the new computer purchase just back up all your important files and data and then re-format the hard drive and re-install the OS.

Mac, Windows, or Linux - it doesn't matter. They all get "slow" over time. Your results may vary.
Something else that can help, at least on the older Macs, is to do a "rebuild desktop" command sequence. I honestly don't remember how to do it, but on the older units (not sure what Pixie is using) it was recommended to do it periodically.
Thanks again.

My Mac is less than 2 years old. 1GHz G4 OS 10.3.9

The 'rebuilding the desktop' has never helped, nor has putting many photos on CD. But whatever I did today made it better.

When it's too hot out this summer, I'll try the clean re-install.