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Sad day here.

Sad to hear. At least you don't have to go through the expense of a trial. More important the parents do not have to go through the emotional trauma of that trial. As a mom that would be a killer for me.
Our little town has had a couple of shooting lately too, one fatal and one an accidental discharge with 2 guys and 2 gals playing with a firearm in a hotel room. Don't ask me??? The female who was shot wasn't badly injured.

The fatality was also kind of strange. Two guys get into an argument in a convenience store very late at night and go out back to settle it. One guy pulls out a gun and fires but misses his intended target and hits a spectator/bystander who died on the way to hospital.

We have a shooting here once in a blue moon. I've been here 17 years and I think that I remember one so to have two in the space of a few weeks in highly unusual. I sure hope it's not the start of a trend.

Why was a guy shooting an 8-year old girl? It's a sad and unchristian thing to say but I'm glad that he took his own life.
We had a one year old baby killed by the mothers BF who was watching her. Sicko.
Just had our 9th murder of the year last night outside the movie theater. A nineteen yr old walked out of the theater, got into a shouting match with a 20 yr old, hauled out a knife and stabbed the kid. Apparently they didn't know each other but alcohol was involved.
Sad news it is. At times we wonder, what really is on the mind of those law offenders. Imagine a 1-year old kid being killed for no apparent reason.
She could have been crying and wouldn't stop. Rather than trying to find the problem he hits to make her stop and kills her.
Very sad when you see where you live go to the shit house.....sadly it is happening to often.:sad:
that sick fuk- cannot say i'm sad he's gone. i'm upset that he has not got to pay for his sickening act. wtf is wrong with some ppl-- incomprehensible.