• Please be sure to read the rules and adhere to them. Some banned members have complained that they are not spammers. But they spammed us. Some even tried to redirect our members to other forums. Duh. Be smart. Read the rules and adhere to them and we will all get along just fine. Cheers. :beer: Link to the rules: https://www.forumsforums.com/threads/forum-rules-info.2974/


I've been pricing potential replacements for my aging side by side fridge/freezer. Who on EARTH needs a "smart" fridge enabling me to see what's inside 24/7 from anywhere in the world!? I already know about the dead hooker. I'm the one who put her there, FFS.
You can't play in the "cool kids" club if you don't have over priced appliances with gimmicks built into them......ask any Millennial....they will tell ya! ;)
During Covid our dishwasher crapped out and I needed a replacement. Shopped online to find the model I wanted, of course it was on extended back-order due to whatever shortages and shipping delays. So I opted for another model, just because it was "in stock" at the Home Depot.

My dishwasher has WiFi.

Should I bother to ever figure out how to connect it to my network, something I am NOT inclined to do, I can carry my smart phone to the Lay-z-Boy in the living room and turn on my dishwasher. Again, WTF? I still have to stick in a soap pellet. Why not just push the start button at that time?

Maybe my dishwasher can communicate with your refrigerator and explain to it that we don't need vegetables in our home because most of them get pushed around on the plate and then washed off the plate during the scrub cycle?
I have control over my dishwashers at all times. They are just below my wrists. They are called hands.
During Covid our dishwasher crapped out and I needed a replacement. Shopped online to find the model I wanted, of course it was on extended back-order due to whatever shortages and shipping delays. So I opted for another model, just because it was "in stock" at the Home Depot.

My dishwasher has WiFi.

Should I bother to ever figure out how to connect it to my network, something I am NOT inclined to do, I can carry my smart phone to the Lay-z-Boy in the living room and turn on my dishwasher. Again, WTF? I still have to stick in a soap pellet. Why not just push the start button at that time?

Maybe my dishwasher can communicate with your refrigerator and explain to it that we don't need vegetables in our home because most of them get pushed around on the plate and then washed off the plate during the scrub cycle?
I don't know if I like the idea of your dishwasher hitting on my fridge. I've heard horror stories about online hookups. On the other hand, if they do the humpty dance and have of those robot vacuums, I'd be willing to share custody with you.
I've been looking for a new stove. The 4 most useful features on one of them are only available using Wi-fi. Why would I buy that one ??? I don't have a home network. No idea how it works and don't care to find out just so I can make my appliances do what they are advertised to do. Hell no ! I'll pay more for one that has buttons right there.