YESAnybody interested,concerned about the incredible number of modern warships China is launching?
I understand,and I also believe the US should negotiate a Taiwan settlement,China has spent yrs preparing for a scenario involving Taiwan and all war games held by the Navy(US) are sobering w/massive losses(so much so a Pres would be advised to possibly use nukes,multiple Aircraft Carrier losses). A reunifying of Taiwan w/ China would cool tension dramatically(50% of Taiwan is pro China anyway),shut up all the USA haters that we are a war-like aggressor,We agreed to a one China policy going back to the 70's,gain concessions from China on N.Korea,economics,fentanyl,and nuclear reduction,and a resolution for Taiwanese who want to leave as well as the chip mfg.. And most importantly gain TIME to re-strategize in the Pacific w/this bad scenario off the board,throw a wrench in Chinese doctrine which has invested time/planning in the Taiwan issue,rebuild our aging fleet/weaponry,put the ball in China's court now that they achieved unification and flip the who's the bad guy narrative.YES
China is also building islands farther and farther off shore, then extending their nautical border. They will end up using their navy and these islands to swallow up the whole region to control the waters.
Their ships are playing bump & run with Pillipeano Coast Guard
I understand,and I also believe the US should negotiate a Taiwan settlement,China has spent yrs preparing for a scenario involving Taiwan and all war games held by the Navy(US) are sobering w/massive losses(so much so a Pres would be advised to possibly use nukes,multiple Aircraft Carrier losses). A reunifying of Taiwan w/ China would cool tension dramatically(50% of Taiwan is pro China anyway),shut up all the USA haters that we are a war-like aggressor,We agreed to a one China policy going back to the 70's,gain concessions from China on N.Korea,economics,fentanyl,and nuclear reduction,and a resolution for Taiwanese who want to leave as well as the chip mfg.. And most importantly gain TIME to re-strategize in the Pacific w/this bad scenario off the board,throw a wrench in Chinese doctrine which has invested time/planning in the Taiwan issue,rebuild our aging fleet/weaponry,put the ball in China's court now that they achieved unification and flip the who's the bad guy narrative.
I'm saying it is virtually impossible to war in China's backyard over THIS,do you have a fall out shelter?An aircraft carrier has 5K brave service people and over a billion in national treasure,and we'd lose 2-3 most likely,then a Pres. would face nuke use surely. I'm a realist here,and every passing yr. we weaken and China strengthens,look at all the ships they've launched in the last 10 yrs vs what we have don,our ship building has atrophied,our fleet is aging what do you suggest,it's a shit sandwhich,I don't like it and bemoan how we went global gutting our mfg/shipyards,I put this pressing issue out for discussion,ev ery passing yr. our position weakens.OK so you are clearly channeling the late, not-so-great British P.M. Neville Chamberlain.
China says Taiwan is their property.
Taiwan says they are an independent nation.
China says Taiwan is their property.
Much of the free world says Taiwan is an independent nation.
China says Taiwan is their property.
China further says the people are Chinese citizens and the wealth, factories and property of Taiwan also belong to China.
Taiwan says they are Taiwanese and independent, and they made their island wealthy and they own their wealth and are not subject to China's laws because they are sovereign.
The US and much of the free world agree with Taiwan.
So what percentage of the free citizens of Taiwan and how much of their small island do you want to give to China?
The problem with the US ship building is we create works of art not cookie stamped ships like we did in WWII.
We need a good maritime administration to set some standards and goals for ships and ports.
Then get building them we still have a few shipyards left but their building one ship no mass production or standarsition.
They did get their head around the maritime school's ships and have 4 or 5 coming out all built the same in Philly.
First and Fifth New U.S. Training Ships Mark Milestones
The U.S.’s National Security Multi-Mission Vessel NSMV) program, the first dedicated training ships to be built for the five U.S. state maritime