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Rick Santorum Hates Ron Paul's Libertarian Ideas


Wait for it.
GOLD Site Supporter
Two very interesting videos IMO.

Pretty decent mash-up clip exposing the truth about Rick Santorum.
Former-Senator Rick Santorum has the only consistently anti-libertarian platform in the race. He explicitly rejects Constitutionally limited government, an individual right to freedom, equal rights, the right to the pursuit of happiness, due process protections, a right to be free from "cruel and unusual" punishment, and is in general an open-big spending, big government conservative.


Ron Paul "People Are Frightened! They've Lost Faith In Government! They're Sick & Tired Of Wars!"

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TchTiCcUbvs&feature=player_embedded"]Ron Paul "People Are Frightened! They've Lost Faith In Government! They're Sick & Tired Of Wars!" - YouTube[/ame]


New member
GOLD Site Supporter
Rick Santorum is against everything you can think off. He talks the talk but sure doesn't walk the walk when it comes to individual rights. If elected and you think liberals want to tell you how to live your life, then this guy would give you a whole new meaning of in your personal life.


The Old Salt
SUPER Site Supporter
Ron Paul really is the only real candidate out there that I believe could make a difference. I do not agree with all of his policies, but I would support him if he were the Republican candidate.

The problem with Paul being president would be seeing the Repubs and Dems now get together to stonewall Paul's "radical" ideas. In other words, same crap, different day.


Wait for it.
GOLD Site Supporter
Ron Paul really is the only real candidate out there that I believe could make a difference. I do not agree with all of his policies, but I would support him if he were the Republican candidate.

The problem with Paul being president would be seeing the Repubs and Dems now get together to stonewall Paul's "radical" ideas. In other words, same crap, different day.
That would be true TR except for the fact that IF Ron Paul ended up being the nominee I think the voters would take a new look as to who all they vote for, which could put a lot of new faces in and remove those "lifelong politicians" that are nothing but the same crap we have been putting up with for decades. Dr Paul has been serving for over 30 years and the only one I know of that never backs down from what he beleives.

Gives a new meaning to taking out the trash, coarse thats just my opinion which dont seem to be very popular here. :wink: