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Reporter asks Carney: Does Obama ‘Approve or Disapprove of Bestiality in Our Armed Fo


Wait for it.
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He learns well from his mentors, if you dont like the question just avoid answering it. :ermm:

Why this is considered a outlandish question I have no clue. The sad part is the need for it to BE asked. :doh:


<LI class=facebook><LI class=comments>Comments (193)Here‘s a line of questioning you don’t hear everyday, let alone it being asked of a White House Press Secretary in reference to the Commander in Chief.
During what otherwise would have been a typical White House press briefing Monday, Jay Carney fielded a real curve ball from World Net Daily reporter Lester Kinsolving, a man known for asking outlandish questions. The topic? Whether President Obama approves of bestiality in the military.
Kinsolving was referring to a recent Senate vote repealing sodomy and bestiality bans in the military.
The odd, if not uproarious exchange went something like this:
KINSOLVING: The Family Research Council and CNS News both reported a 93-to-7 U.S. Senate vote to approve a defense authorization bill that, quote, “includes a provision which not only repeals the military law on sodomy, but also repeals the military ban on sex with animals, or bestiality.” Does the commander-in-chief approve or disapprove of bestiality in our armed forces?
CARNEY: I don’t have any comment on–I don’t have any comment on that. Let me go to another question.
KINSOLVING: Does the President believe this will be approved by all animal support groups, such as –
CARNEY: Let’s get to something more serious.
Perhaps what Kinsolving was most likely trying to do was call attention to the fact that valuable senate resources were spent on what many would call a frivolous, not to mention absurd provision in the first place.
Carney, who is often noted for his quick comebacks and ability to turn a phrase with even the most hostile reporters, clearly was not amused in this instance. Still, one wonders how he managed to refrain from even cracking a smile.


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Interesting 93 to 7 vote by the senate to pass this bill. Now that is a strange vote that means a majority of both sides voted yes. Obama doesn't have to approve but we will see if he signs it.


Gone But Not Forgotten
Let me get this straight. We are in serious trouble with unemployment, debt and wars and our current administration is concerned about whether a person has the right to have sex with an animal? How stupid is this?


Wait for it.
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Let me get this straight. We are in serious trouble with unemployment, debt and wars and our current administration is concerned about whether a person has the right to have sex with an animal? How stupid is this?
Well it is more then likely is GW's fault. :whistling:


Bottoms Up
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Let me get this straight. We are in serious trouble with unemployment, debt and wars and our current administration is concerned about whether a person has the right to have sex with an animal? How stupid is this?
I suppose it is one of the few things they can agree on. Sad part is they agree it's Okay. :confused: :eek: :pat:


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Let me get this straight. We are in serious trouble with unemployment, debt and wars and our current administration is concerned about whether a person has the right to have sex with an animal? How stupid is this?

Is it the administration or congress? Congress does set the rules.


Gone But Not Forgotten
Is it the administration or congress? Congress does set the rules.

OK, then let me put it this way. The now President should have said "WTF. Come on we have more important things to be discussing. Now get to work on the important issues and forget this" He is the leader of this country is he not? You know the ole flow chart.


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OK, then let me put it this way. The now President should have said "WTF. Come on we have more important things to be discussing. Now get to work on the important issues and forget this" He is the leader of this country is he not? You know the ole flow chart.

Well let me see, it seems the house a couple of weeks back promised to work on only the economy for a week. Now the bills that hit the floor was one on abortion not being paid for by federal money, cutting off funds to planned parent hood, a bill trying to reverse the military new gay policy and not a single bill with anything to do with economic policy. This they wasted a week on. Now Obama has been out there trying to get the republican control house to pass something to help the economy as well as the senate. It has been none stop from Obama however most here refuse to listen to him any more. Now the problem is from Congress not the president as again he has limited powers around the congress which he has used already to much bitching. The point is don't blame the administration for not doing what is right or wrong it is the damed dysfunctional congress on both sides of the aisle.


Gone But Not Forgotten
Now Obama has been out there trying to get the republican control house to pass something to help the economy as well as the senate. It has been none stop from Obama however most here refuse to listen to him any more.

Maybe Obama needs to listen to Congress? Just maybe Congress is not listening because Obama is not listening to them.

Now the problem is from Congress not the president as again he has limited powers around the congress which he has used already to much bitching. The point is don't blame the administration for not doing what is right or wrong it is the damed dysfunctional congress on both sides of the aisle.

We have always had Presidents and Congress. We have also had Presidents that were able to work with any congress such as Reagan and Clinton. The President is the leader of the United States. Sorry I understand what you are saying but it does not give this President an excuse in my book. You going to lead, then lead, don't whine because no one listens to you. He is the one that wanted the job and said he could do it.


Mr. Congeniality
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I'm on lunch right now with no time to research this, but wasn't that reversal of policy tied to a bill about something else that received such heavy bi-partisan support???? This is why each piece of legislation should be voted on singly, with no bullshit added. I also believe this dim wits probably did not read the entire piece of legislation, which is par for both sides of the aisle. They defer to their aids and staff to do the heavy work. WTF are they doing all day if not working on the DETAILS of legislation??? Sorry for the final rhetorical question. We know they aren't doing Jack Schitt .:hammer::hammer:


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Maybe Obama needs to listen to Congress? Just maybe Congress is not listening because Obama is not listening to them.

We have always had Presidents and Congress. We have also had Presidents that were able to work with any congress such as Reagan and Clinton. The President is the leader of the United States. Sorry I understand what you are saying but it does not give this President an excuse in my book. You going to lead, then lead, don't whine because no one listens to you. He is the one that wanted the job and said he could do it.

We have also never had a congress that absolutely refused to work with the other side of the aisle much less a Democratic president. Never mind half signing a pledge never to raise a dime in taxes but to cut the so called entitlements, education, infrastructure etc regardless, all cost to the nation so they can play their games.

And yes I mostly blame the republicans in congress as they refuse to compromise even when the get what they want they block it to ask for more. Please for once open your eyes as to what is really going on and forget your preconceived notions and pay attention to who and what are doing what. No point in even going further at this point. You elect those that say government can't work so they work at ending it. You have got the government you wanted and deserve what will happen.

Big Dog

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Joe the problem is we've drifted so far left to big government that the republicans have put there foot down. We can not continue on the path of entitlement and if we do we better start making people do something for it! We are supporting too much dead weight and giving away the farm for votes. I wish the fuck someone would speakup for the folks footing the bill instead of listening to those with their hand out!!!


Bottoms Up
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I have to disagree with you on this.
Obama has not led. He puts out his 2nd 'stimulus' bill and then campaigns all over the country for congress to pass it. No other president has acted in this manor. Everyone knows it is a give and take process. The man in charge dictates how that will go; but this president will only have it his way. He might give a few crumbs but he will keep the millionaire tax in place and campaign about it. He is promoting class warfare and though I am far from a millionaire I feel all should pay their fair share. Equal percentages. If Obama would actually meet with congressional leaders and do some true negotiating something would get done. He wants is his way or he makes sure he can use the failure to blame the other party for being the problem. You are right in that we have never seen a congress so stymied but that is all because of the actions or non actions of the man in charge; Mr. Obama.


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Let me see Dog. First the congress refuses to pay our debts which is moneys owed over the past decades unless the Democrats extend the Bush tax cuts instead of letting them roll back to Clinton era rates. For this the Dems go the debt ceiling raised. So the Dems compromised. Now the Dems want to extend the middle income tax breaks which is about $1000 to $1400 a year more income that will get into the economy as well as cut small business taxes putting a .03% tax increase on moneys made over 1 million but not below to pay for it and the Dems will probably cave on that too and give the Republicans what they want to cut another group of government jobs which by the way is at the level now of 1980's. Oh well lets protect the rich because they create jobs, but jobs have declined since Bush cut those taxes with about 8.6 unemployment nation wide. Oh I guess you are right those job creators have created jobs mostly overseas oh well they can probably once they get everything they want sell it overseas where they can afford to buy them. Can't buy much on unemployment really. Congress only wants one thing to regain control by their party and damned the country. I don't buy the tune any more, I did once but not now.


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The new frontier for Liberals - bestiality. Can't wait for the high school class on Bestiality. Sorta sounds un-pc. Hmm, what else can we call it to make it sound nicer and PC? Earthly sex? Any other ideas?


Gone But Not Forgotten
. Please for once open your eyes as to what is really going on and forget your preconceived notions and pay attention to who and what are doing what. No point in even going further at this point. You elect those that say government can't work so they work at ending it. You have got the government you wanted and deserve what will happen.

You don't need to tell me to open my eyes Joec. I am not protecting either or. They both right now have their head up their ass and it takes two to Not Get Along. Unfortunately the President is top dog. If Congress is not listening to him there is a reason for it and it is his responsibility to find out why and how they are going to make it work which I don't see that he did that nor even made an attempt to other than to run out campaigning on how dumb the republicans are to get more votes. You might see it different as to whether Obama did or not but I don't. You can go ahead and put the blame on the rupbublicans but I am one of the 97% that is pretty much fed up with all of them all right now starting at the top which is the President.


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You really believe the president has any power to lead? A president has power to lead comes from the having a congress willing to at least compromise if not follow his wishes. In a word the odds of this group, both side compromising or following is none, nada, not a chance. The right got their wish to bring down the government and the left lost make government have more control now we have to live with it.


Gone But Not Forgotten
You really believe the president has any power to lead?

It is not about laws and rules. A good President with the right leadership abilities can be extremely powerful. That is why some people are extremely successful because they have the power to lead people. I don't believe this President has that within him. Again my opinion.


Bottoms Up
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You really believe the president has any power to lead? A president has power to lead comes from the having a congress willing to at least compromise if not follow his wishes. In a word the odds of this group, both side compromising or following is none, nada, not a chance. The right got their wish to bring down the government and the left lost make government have more control now we have to live with it.
Yep. Sure do. Wait till you see a real leader in there. You've seen them before. They barter out a deal and make things work. Not this president but most that I know of from the past century did exactly that. They didn't go crying to the media that the other party was being mean and would not make a deal, they got done what they could. No one ever got everything they wanted but that is the nature of the beast with politics.


Wait for it.
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Anyone even remember WTF the thread was about? :unsure:

Does the commander-in-chief approve or disapprove of bestiality in our armed forces?
CARNEY: I don’t have any comment on–I don’t have any comment on that. Let me go to another question.
KINSOLVING: Does the President believe this will be approved by all animal support groups, such as –
CARNEY: Let’s get to something more serious.


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Anyone even remember WTF the thread was about? :unsure:

Does the commander-in-chief approve or disapprove of bestiality in our armed forces?
CARNEY: I don’t have any comment on–I don’t have any comment on that. Let me go to another question.
KINSOLVING: Does the President believe this will be approved by all animal support groups, such as –
CARNEY: Let’s get to something more serious.

Who know but the congress approves that is for sure.:w00t2:

Big Dog

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Does anyone really think Carney or Obama are going to admit to supporting chicken fucking, donkey dong, or beat me please? WTF


Well-known member
That was about the dumbest question Kinsolving could have come up with. from reading on this bill, it was to strike down the sodomy part, but the bestiality was included in the original law. they repealed the law, but several UCMJ lawyers have stated that bestiality would still be illegal under other statutes.


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Joe the fucking jobs started leaving when Clinton signed NAFTA. Quit creating your own reason for our economy. The biggest hits to our economy in the last 2 decades are NAFTA and the mortgage crisis ................ !! And BTFW, what side endorsed all that shit?

I didn't realize that I said different did I. Clinton not only signed NAFTA he also signed the bill that repealed Glass-Steagell also both of which were voted on by the Congress. Oh and repeal of Glass-Steagell was the last rules restraining our banks from using its depositors money to gamble with. A lot of problems as I've have always said started long before Obama or Bush and even before Clinton but go back to Johnson. Our problems are a result of bad government with that has been getting worse every year since then. Both sides do as both sides are for sale and I've never said any different if you care to check however the problems all come from congress not the presidents with few exceptions. Oh and the GOP today is not the one of even Nixon's time. Both parties today are extremes opposits and that is the problem.